Alliance Side RBG

100 Night Elf Rogue
To clarify:
With the latest hotfix to the Conquest Point cap, it is intended that the Conquest awarded by winning Arena matches and Random Battlegrounds will never go above your weekly Arena cap. The only way to gain that last bit of Conquest is to win Rated battlegrounds after you have reached the lower cap. (This is all assuming that your Arena point cap is lower than your Rated Battleground cap)

So, I'm still trying to work out how precisely this works, but if there is a workaround, I am confident that Blizzard will bring it down fast. This means that we need RBG groups.

I have no delusions of grandeur about the one I'd like to make. This one would just be for points, and would meet on the weekends. Anyone interested?
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90 Orc Shaman
It may be in your interest to go onto a website called -

In a week I grinded to 1960 rating.. first week. (The season isn't deep yet.)

With just merely pug groups. It has an irc chat. It can help you if you're interested in PUG groups, with low rating / low mmr grinding.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'm going to go ahead and bump this.

I've already gotten some interest, but not enough to fill a group yet. Still need more.
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94 Human Mage
I only have 1700 rating exp, but I'm certainly interested. I would love if we get a more serious, committed group too, but I'm perfectly happy with points at well.
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100 Draenei Shaman
I havent really started to gear extensively for pvp yet, but if you need a healer and i'm online i could try and help out
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92 Human Warlock
Ive been interested in an Ally side RBG team for a while. Even if it just starts out for points.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'm going to give the first attempt at this then at 6pm. (Arizona time. We don't observe DST so I don't know if the server has switched over yet.) Send me a tell then, or a piece of in-game mail sooner to denote interest.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
I'd be interest if there's still enough interest and any room. Send me a tell if there's room
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100 Human Warrior
I'd love to do this.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Going to try again here tonight. Let's shoot for 6-7pm.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Recruitment for this evening has started. Shoot me a tell if you're interested.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
40 minutes of no response is enough for me. I'm putting this project on hold until we get far enough into the expansion for this to work.
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