Promo Video Part 2: The Guilds: Small Preview

100 Human Warrior
Alright my school workload finally lightened up a bit so its time to get back on track with this and I need your help.

For the guilds part I will need a couple of things from those who want to participate.

One to two sentences describing your guild IC from a third person perspective if you're a Roleplay guild or OOC if you're in an RP/friendly guild. I will also need a good time that I could film your guild for about an hour on either a Friday or Saturday evening. Sunday afternoons might be possible as well.

Here is a completely bare bones concept preview but this will be the general idea.

Thanks and looking forward to working with everyone again.
Edited by Ehlina on 11/3/2012 11:02 AM PDT
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90 Pandaren Warrior
The WfC would love to take part.

"The Wayfarer's Coterie colors of red and gold mark outsiders and outcasts, who with no family or faction to speak of have turned towards one another for solidarity. Thought mistrustful of outsiders, in a time of desperation and need, there are no closer companions than the Coterie."

Thank you for all your hard work, Big E. Really. This is a great project. My people are usually frolicking about anywhere between 6-12 server every night; mail me on the Horde alt you'll be directing with and we can hammer out times.

Edited by Leothindas on 10/16/2012 6:27 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Hunter
If I can scrounge up some guildies, I'd be happy to have gambit included!

"Once, they were a faction of watchers, cloaked black as night and whiter than the stars. For centuries, the Gambit has lied in wait, but as the tides of warfare may not be contained, they shall wait no longer."

Active times for Gambit are often during weekends. (Not sure quite when the prime time would be, my guess would be sundays after 6 server. Maybe.)

And P.S., Leo, THE HAIR. *dies*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I think you have a shot of RSF, but if you need more, we can set up a time.

"They have learned to fight and die together, they have learned to live and thrive together. Through the darkest nights, and the coldest days, the Rising Sun Fellowship has fought for their people, the Horde, and their families, and they have found that there will always be a new dawn."

The minions are... running rampant at strange times lately, so shoot me a bit of in-game mail if you want to set up another shot, and we can make that happen, either candidly at an event, or a special event just for you.

Kudos to you for this project, because it's very very amazing.
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100 Human Paladin
Pia, of course. I will get those paragraphs to you.
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100 Human Warrior
Thanks for the info guys and I'll try and schedule a time for you guys soon.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
Da Doctas wants in too, please. We'll have to get the text to you, and it might take us a bit to get schedules aligned. The triage idea we discussed before would work well, if you're still up for it.

Will you be reading the text, or are you looking to collect sound clips as well?
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90 Worgen Rogue
Conclave would be more than happy to participate. Unfortunately, our boss is somewhat swamped until the 2/11, so we might be a bit late. Or maybe just her. I dunno yet. She made me post because she's too lazy to :|
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90 Human Priest
That's 12/2 Viri, but yes we are definitely interested! And Ehlina I have that video of the Light and You I need to get to you.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Heroes of the third war would like in the video. More details will be posted soon.
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100 Human Warrior
I should be around tomorrow (friday )about 8:30ish server time for those looking to get recorded.
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90 Worgen Rogue
10/17/2012 09:46 PMPosted by Genevra
That's 12/2 Viri, but yes we are definitely interested! And Ehlina I have that video of the Light and You I need to get to you.

I could swear you said November 2nd. Bah. I'm dumb.
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If Tales of Eirnin is welcome, we'd love to help. Fantastic job on part one, by the way.

"Those devoted few who remain carry on within Tales of Eirnin with the knowledge that some day they will find the great Eirnin. Though some believe they will find his corpse, others know the truth... nothing could kill Eirnin."

We've recently opened a horde side guild that claims Eirnin was not Aibhne's brother, nor was he even a drwarf... but rather a troll. Now instead of simply fighting with half the guild over whether Eirnin is dead or alive Aibhne and the other "Deaders" also have to contend with the ridiculous claims of the horde.

Er, the point of that second paragraph (before I got distracted) was to point out that there may be a reason to capture both our halves on film at the same time.

We're on pretty much every night as long as it's after 7pm server.
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100 Human Warrior
@Sidonwy. Still planning on doing the triage shot. It would be perfect for the Doctas.

@Genevera I'll have to think of a way to get the footage from you.

@Galadewin Cool

@Aibhne Works for me. I'll be happy to include any RP and RP friendly guild who wants in.
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100 Human Warrior
Tried poking around for a bit in HordeOOC and AllianceOOC and seemed everyone was busy. I'll try again in a couple of hours.
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100 Human Warrior
Finally had time to put together a small preview

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89 Human Paladin
I'll talk to Pia and see if there's a time most of us can get together for you to film us.

...we may be Holy Guards but we're not camera shy. :P (Don't put that in the paragraph!!!!)
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