(H-Guild) Rising Sun: For Honor and Glory

100 Blood Elf Paladin
There is a time...

There is always a time.

There was a place...

There will always be places.

For the Glory of the Horde...

Glory and Honor.

When the darkness rises, and when the night lifts away, the sun will always rise again. There is always a new dawn, there is always a new morning. There is always a new life, a new light...

We are the Rising Sun.

They walk in the light, and in the dark, because someone has to...

We fight for a better world for our children, and our people.

There has been pain...

Pain is what makes us stronger.

They have always pulled through...

We always survive.

They are strangely happy, for ones so many times beaten down...

We remember, we never forget. We forgive, and we move forward.

They are stronger than they seem...

We are the Rising Sun Fellowship.


"We must be strong individually, so that together we are invincible."

-- Tyrael Firehawk to the Rising Sun Fellowship.

"We stand, together, as one for only the most certain reasons. The pain we have faced down has left its marks on us, and will continue to do so, for that is the way of things, and we have no means of control over it. Our only choice is to fight, to dream, to hope.

So now, we stand in the face of a new day, a new dawning, a new era of hope. We see the fire in the eyes of those we care about, and we see the hope in the faces of those we protect. Despite the pain we face, despite the fear we hide, people see us as heroes, saviors, even.

What larger burden can we carry? What is heavier than the dreams and hopes of those who place their fates in our hands as we march off?

Do we go to fight a war, or do we go to find ourselves in blood and sweat? Do we leave simply to return, or do we return to try to forget?

War changes us, it changes everyone. And, because every person is different, so too is every war different, every reaction to the fire of battle is individual.

Stand strong, find glory, and fight onwards, always onwards. We stand because others cannot, or will not. We stand for the ideals, the hopes, the dreams, of each and every one of us. We stand as a barrier between our loved ones and our enemies.

Fight for your friends, family, and neighbors. Fight for your sisters and brothers, your comrades. Fight for your lovers, your leaders, and yourself. Fight for the glory of your people, fight for the glory of the Horde. Fight for peace, for an end to the darkness that crashes down around us.

The darkest days will pass, and the Light will show us the way. For without war, there is no peace, and without dark, there is no light."

--Kel'tira Sunblaze


The Hall of Respite echoes with the sound of laughter...

These walls that have seen so much sorrow, but also great joy...

These people, crushed so often, yet still standing tall...

The word on the street is that they are looking for more numbers. The word on the street is that they are opening their arms again, sending out the call. The paper in the Hall of Respite is clean, crisp, and bright. The reds and oranges in the inks painstakingly traced out and illuminated by a talented scribe.

The fiery shades are strikingly bright, catching the eye of passerby, touting the name of a group, a group who has been steadily making a name for themselves, calling for members to join them.

The Rising Sun Fellowship.

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Who We Are

We are a heavy RP guild based on the idea of regaining honor and finding glory. We're a group of friendly people of all experiences, and all we ask of prospective members is that they bring a good attitude and a friendly appearance to the guild.

Bear with me, the rest of this is fun stuff, and then we get to the meat.

The Code


In character...

We fight for our families, our comrades, our friends, our lovers. We fight with honor, we fight so that others would not have to. We fight with integrity, and we are not cold-blooded nor merciless. But as in equal peace, as in war, we stand strong. We honor ourselves, and others, always.

And out...

We ask for a code of honor, you won't come into what we're doing, mess it up, and then walk out. We don't ask for a huge commitment, and we understand that life happens, but if you start something, please try to finish it. We don't like being left hanging!


In character...

Loyalty. Loyalty to those you love, to those you care about, to those you protect. Be loyal to yourself, and you will go far. Just as in war, so it is in peace, we are loyal to our goals and our ideals, and we are not swayed.

And out...

Don't stab us in the back, please. We've had it happen before. And no, you can't be evil suddenly. We can work with you, and we want to, but we have to draw the line somewhere.


In character...

We are who we are because of who we love. Love comes in many forms, familial, romantic, passionate, and more. Whatever the case, we have bonds. We have ties. Ties formed out of necessity and cemented in love for one another and our goals. Our ideals.

And out...

Just be nice, be respectful, and have fun! We don't ask for vows of undying love, we just ask you to be nice.


In character...

The Light is strong, it burns within us all. The power of faith is not to be underestimated. We see the Light in our lives, daily. We see the faith, in one another, and in ourselves, in our goals, and in our ideals. We see the faith that binds us into a coherent whole, and we savor it.

And out...

For the most part, we know roughly what we're doing, and everything works out in the end. We want to make people happy, yes, but have some faith. I promise nothing will happen that you don't want to, to your character at least.

((Finally, a little bit of managerial stuff. We keep a journal thread you may or may not have seen, and use that as a personal way for the guild to know what's happening OOCly, but not ICly. Does that make sense? We ask that members write for that on a fairly regular basis, and we ask that they keep up with the OOC thread, both links are below for the latest of these threads.

We started out as a challenge guild (1-85, now 90, IC without dying.) So far, only two have made it that far, and as far as I know, Kel here's the only one at 88 without a leveling death. We're open to any and all RPers, though, whether you want in on the challenge or not!

We would love to have you! Come check us out, anyone on can help you, so do a fast /who Rising Sun to find us! Sneak into our OOC channel, /join RisngSunOOC, too!

Guild site: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=458445&TabID=3946160

Journal thread #1: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4365750120?page=1
Journal thread #2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6194789426

OOC/Signup #2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/5912661507?page=1
OOC/Signup #1: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4363778667?page=1

In the words of our second in command... "Come for the RP, stay for the fun!"

Looking forward to seeing you there!))

Edited by Kellatira on 10/17/2012 4:33 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Highly irrational,
Bumping in rhyme,
Because I have the time.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
We're also looking at organizing a guild event that'll be open to the public! Check back for more details!
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90 Blood Elf Monk
I would love to speak with you about your guild in-game.

I have been thinking about transferring and/or making a new character on a different RP realm and your guild so far sounds like something I am interested in.

When would be a good time to contact you in-game?
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100 Undead Warrior
Join the Risssing Sssun Fellowsshsip or Die, yesss!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
This is what happens when I disappear for school-y things.

Kieaira: Weekends and evenings are best for me, but I'm not the only one who can answer questions. do a /who rising Sun and see who comes up. the other thing you can do is try to catch me (o2bshadow) on the guild site.

Abominus: We'll give you all the non-takers, hmm?
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