Hello! Looking For A Haven!

11 Blood Elf Paladin
Hi! I am Twylith! As you can see I am pretty young so are my friends!

We like to nick-name ourselves the "Young Ambassadors" because we all really want to be liked by everybody! We wanted to represent our leaders as closely as possible in our class choices! :D

The point of this is we are looking for a home! We are looking for a guild willing to take all of us! Three times a week casual play but really came to this server in hopes of RP and RP events!

We all really like RP and Achievements! Questing in fun, but not really much of anything else! The Achievements show 0 by my name, but that’s because they don’t show up by my name until after level 10- I have achievements already, really!

Let me introduce us!

I’m Twylith! Which I already said and as you can see I am a Blood Elf Paladin!

Baknah, He is a Tauren Warrior!

Tholona, She is an Orc Warrior!

Obatalá, He is a Troll Shaman!

Dævlin, He’s a Forsaken Hunter!

Also Two are joining us soon!

Jiñx, She’s a Goblin Rogue!

Xuini, She’s a Pandaren Rogue!

We haven’t joined any guild because we want someone who is willing to take all of us! And it’s hard to whisper all this while on a zephyr, which is where people usually ask!

Would anyone be willing to give us a home?
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100 Human Warrior
Welcome to CC and I'm positive you guys will find a home. There are a lot of awesome guilds here on Cenarion Circle.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Come to the WfC. While it might seem we're just a bunch of goofballs in our recruitment thread, ((http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6412495360?page=1)) we're actually on our game. We host little events among ourselves and do our best to try and branch out into the community, try to include old people and new and break up some of the cliques that have unavoidably started to surface.

We do like to raid and fight and do karate and stuff, but we won't close the door on eager minds. Check out the recruitment, and then send me a mail; we can have an interview and see about getting you and your brood a home.
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11 Blood Elf Paladin
10/19/2012 07:49 AMPosted by Ehlina
Welcome to CC and I'm positive you guys will find a home. There are a lot of awesome guilds here on Cenarion Circle.

Thanks! I like it here all the people are very nice!

Come to the WfC. While it might seem we're just a bunch of goofballs in our recruitment thread, ((http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6412495360?page=1)) we're actually on our game. We host little events among ourselves and do our best to try and branch out into the community, try to include old people and new and break up some of the cliques that have unavoidably started to surface.We do like to raid and fight and do karate and stuff, but we won't close the door on eager minds. Check out the recruitment, and then send me a mail; we can have an interview and see about getting you and your brood a home.

Thank you! I'll do that! :)
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