The Fears That Rise And Strike (IC)

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Cyaer watched the warrior up ahead, making sure that Kel'tira was safe. His hands at the ready above his own weapons. And when Lyr turned away from Kel, he sighed.

Then he looked back down the tunnel, and saw a shadow break away from the rest of those other flickering things from the edge of his eyesight. As he went into a crouch, he stood again, his weapons at his side as he watched her move towards him. "Mia? Is that you?"

He closed his eyes, knowing full well she was dead, murdered in a dark alley. As he opened his eyes again, his blades flashed out at nothing. He panted as he looked down the oddly lit tunnel, and turned to the others, "I don't know what's going on, but I just saw my dead wife back here. Be on your toes, those flickering things may be getting hungry or something."

His blades stayed out on the ready, watching...waiting.
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95 Human Death Knight
Kel'tira Sunblaze

The paladin looked entirely taken aback, "What human friend?"

Frowning, Kel sounded nothing save tired as she followed Lyrilia, speaking softly, "Lyrilia, I know I have not exactly been helpful to you, and I will take more of the blame than I likely should, but there is a line you walk. You need to get a hold of yourself, and I do not understand exactly what you are saying in regards to the high elf..."

She trailed off, mentally searching for a name, "Let her prove herself if she comes back, and as for the human, I had no knowledge of one."

The paladin sounded more like herself after a moment's silence and continued, "As far as these Alliance go... I do not want to work alongside them any more than you do, but it may be that they benefit us, safety in numbers to some extent."

Shrugging the paladin leveled her gaze at the hot-headed warrior, awaiting a reply for a moment before she heard the death knight cry out a name, and then heard Cy speak. Shaking her head, she drew her mace and shield and settled slightly, ready to fight if need be, not that the nightmares could be fought.

The Caves

Somewhere in the darkness, something moved, something lurked, something watched and waited. Somewhere in the murky ink of shadows, something tasted the air and slipped from a hidden lair. Something hissed and slithered, and something else whispered as it ghosted down the stony floors on feet that hovered inches above the ground.

Nightmares stirred.

They fed on the dreams, the fears, the lies. They drew life from the screams and cries of the dying as they took them, killed them, left the broken husks behind to rot. No scavengers lurked in the caves, they had long since succumbed to their own nightmares, and now, the groups in the cave would face theirs.

Fears rose.

Darkness, black as pitch, swept through the caves, and everything shifted again. Strange sounds echoed, and a force akin to a hand pressing down on the shoulders of those in the cave pressed them to the floor. Unbearable pressure forced eyes shut, and the place -shivered-.


It was a slow revelation, as the lights came back, that the Alliance and Horde were now together, on the same side of the chasm that had shrank away from them. Ten paces separated the wall from the edge of the pit, and the Horde and Alliance were arrayed along the now-significantly-wider ledge.

A howl sliced through the air, someone's nightmare catching the scent of something, and the noise soon faded into silence. The pressure eased.

The light seemed somehow malignant, now, darker, hungrier, and the shadows and shapes that danced at the edges of vision occasionally leaped through the light, taking form of bad dreams and fears.

By the time the light had reached the point it would ever reach, and the chasm was back to radiating a dark shade, the pressure was gone, and the people could stand, if they so chose.
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