Looking for a geared 80 for a Herald run

Need a DPS [ranged/melee, plate/cloth/leather, doesn't matter] wearing nothing more than 226 gear, 232 weapons [preferably +/= 200 - 219 all around], gemmed, enchanted, know how to not stand in bad for a Herald of the Titans run [if you don't know, it's a FoS that yields a title of the same name]. If you're geared already, awesome, as we have the lockout saved @ Algalon ready to go. If you need a couple of pieces of gear and let me know before resets on Tuesday, we can speed you through Ulduar on our 90s. Have to be dedicated to do this and raid time is Thursday morning @ 6am, CST [i think that translates to 4am, server, but I might be wrong about that].

hit me up in-game on Zhingozhango, Bakalau, Kwüinn or Gëm for mas informaciones, por favor. I'll likely be on Bakalau [my Troll Warlock] or Zhingozhango [Pandaren rogue]...oh, yeah, Horde only. Alliance can go dook themselves :P [Hozen gave me awesome ways to swear]
Edited by Kwüinn on 11/12/2012 8:25 AM PST
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you could also totally reply to this message and I'll either /w you or send a mail.

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