
100 Worgen Death Knight

I want it understood that I am in no way involved in these shenanigans.
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90 Human Paladin

I want it understood that I am in no way involved in these shenanigans.

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100 Human Warlock
We knew there would be unintended consequences for the arrival of the Horde/Alliance into Pandaria. We thought we were ready. Apparently, there are some things one cannot prepare for. Such as the effect and influence Ragefang would have on the natives.
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100 Tauren Shaman

I want it understood that I am in no way involved in these shenanigans.

I'm sure Abominus has absolutely nothing to do with the screaming virmen, either.

(I can't possibly be the only one who noticed that.)
Edited by Kaeevanrash on 11/6/2012 8:27 PM PST
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