Gentyl asked me to post that RP classes will be happening again this Saturday. We still need teachers/topics, so please feel free to volunteer!
Roleplay Classes
2:00 PM on Saturday, that is!
*sneaks in and hexes all the teachers and runs away*
muhahahahahahaha! no one will ever expect that I turned all the teachers into frogs!
muhahahahahahaha! no one will ever expect that I turned all the teachers into frogs!
*accidentally converts Belpha into Space Blueberry jam, then spreads it on his toast and eats it, witha nice cup of Breakfast Tea*
If you are interested in teaching about any RP-related topic, please speak up!
These will be happening behind the SW Cathedral, just as they did last time.
These will be happening behind the SW Cathedral, just as they did last time.
Please report any Code of Conduct violations, including:
Threats of violence. We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities.
Posts containing personal information about other players. This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.
Harassing or discriminatory language. This will not be tolerated.