<Warcraftier> wants YOU!

100 Human Monk
Would a Windwalker fill that rogue slot? Same agi/leather slot.
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90 Night Elf Druid
11/18/2012 10:00 AMPosted by Acupuncher
Would a Windwalker fill that rogue slot? Same agi/leather slot.

If it was about the gear, sure, but it isn't. :)
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90 Night Elf Druid
Still in search for a few good peeps to join us as we venture more into Heroic modes!
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90 Night Elf Druid
*dusts off thread*
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2 Gnome Rogue
Dr. Froyd wandered into the Warcraftier recruiting office and waited patiently in line. People in the front of the line were undergoing a physical examination. A few smiled and moved on to the next examiners who were testing their fighting abilities.

"What's your i level?" asked one examiner to a woman as he inspected her armor.

What a totally dumb question. Anyone with a lick of sense could see her eye level was just about throat level with the man. Warcraftier was worse off than she had been led to believe.

Dr. Froyd went to the front of the line and hopped up on the table so she could negotiate from a position of power or at least not positioned just about knee level as usual. "My name's Dr. Froyd," she said and held out a business card. "Ize her to do zee psychological examinazhuns und zherapy."

A warrior is shining armor strode up behind her, his hand on his sword hilt. She turned and quirked an eyebrow up at him. "My vhat a big sword you has. Over compensating much?" She primped her ribbon that was carefully arranged in her tightly braided buns. "Und stop looking at my buns, mister. Zhat's rude."

He flushed and sputtered. "I wasn't looking at your buns und..er, and you need to leave. We have important business here."

"Yah, I sees yous doin' lots uf business here. Ize going to be backed up for months after yous gets zhrough destroying zese people's hopes und dreams here. Should be paying yous a bonus."

She hopped down from the desk. "Gives Miss Lerri zhat card und tell her ve need to set up zhat appointment for zherapy session."

((Even Dr. Froyd wishes she could be in Warcraftier. Good people. Top of the line raiders and devoted to having fun.))
Edited by Froyd on 11/28/2012 4:05 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
Uh ohs. >_>
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90 Night Elf Druid
Now with an ele shammy opening. :o
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90 Night Elf Druid
Open holy paladin position.
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90 Human Paladin
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100 Human Priest
On a roll this week.....
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90 Night Elf Druid
We're pretty flexible on the class of the ranged DPS we're looking for. :o
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2 Gnome Rogue
Froyd toddled into her office and hopped up on the desk in her less than sumptuous office. Abon rushed in breathlessly. "Sorry, boss, I was unpacking some new beauty supplies. Oh wait until you see our new lipsticks. Worgen Wine, Troll Truffle, and my favorite, Gnome Gnude."

Froyd waved her hand. "No times for zat, assistant Abon. Ves gots ve high muckity muck of ze Varcraftier comings in. I zink ze frist question vill be, 'Ven did yous learn zat just by bouncing yer boobs you could rise up in power and control ze spice," or vatever she controls.

Yes, zats definitely a good opener after I get her comfortable and relax of course. Zats ze only vay to gets zem to spill zeir innermost zoughts and contribute to my next best seller. Naughty, Nice and Nuts, a guide to ze crazies in Azeroth. She turned around and looked at Abon. "Miss Abon, take a letter."

Abon looked around the room, puzzlement haunting her for the briefest moment, then her face brightened. "Oh, it's a test. I like A."

Froyd glared at her. "Neverminds go see if Miss Lerrielin is here."
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100 Human Priest
To panda or not to panda... Zhat is ze question..
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90 Orc Shaman
Piff the magic dragon for president.
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60 Night Elf Druid
Charitye strolled into the printer's office and dropped a very large, very wriggly fish on the floor. She didn't much care for the smell of ink, nor the grouchy gnome who owned the place, but it was close to the lake and it was in out of the heat. It was a good place to enjoy a quiet meal.

the balloon tethered to her right front leg tugged a bit when a small breeze stirred through the door. She snapped at the balloon string and started gnawing it to get it loose. She liked balloons well enough, but they were distracting when she was eating. Of course, many things distracted her, like the flopping fish.

She turned her attention back to the fish and snapped its head off. Then she tore into it, sending bits of fish and fish guts flying through the air like confetti. The gnome came toddling into the office as she was finishing the fish. He screamed and threw a tray of letters at her. "Get out of here, you stupid cat! You've ruined all these recruiting posters for Warcraftier."

She peered back around the door at the bit of fish still lying on the floor and wondered if she dare dash in after it. The gnome threw a very large "B" at her and bounced it off her forehead.

She'd watched quietly as the crazy man and dwarf ran around last night screaming about killer "A's" and "B's." At least now she knew where the killer "B's" were coming from. Not waiting for the swarm to attack, she hightailed it down the street as the balloon bobbed merrily along.
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90 Human Hunter
Any interest in a hunter with time restrictions? I will be able to attend those hours, but not until I finish moving into my place, which should be more on the 14th or so...

(Silver on CC... just moved my character today so I don't know how long this armory will work)
Edited by Ravenic on 1/1/2013 9:52 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
Any interest in a hunter with time restrictions? I will be able to attend those hours, but not until I finish moving into my place, which should be more on the 14th or so...

(Silver on CC... just moved my character today so I don't know how long this armory will work)

The answer is a bit complicated I'm afraid. ;P Time restrictions aren't a problem for us, we've got six years of experience of working around people with specialized schedules.

Unfortunately, we're not looking for anymore hunters at the moment. :(

I may or may not also be hiding from a certain scary gnome... <_< >_>
Edited by Lerrielin on 1/2/2013 4:05 PM PST
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90 Human Hunter
Lol. Well if/when you get back on I'd be interested in joining a reserve position. Who knows what may happen in the next while.
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