<Warcraftier> wants YOU!

90 Night Elf Druid
Hail CC!

We at <Warcraftier> are looking for a few good folks to join our team! Specifically, we are looking for:

Non-Druid Healer

Exceptional candidates are always welcome to apply.

For those that haven't heard of us, we are an Alliance 25-man raiding guild that has been around and together for about six years now.

We're currently 2/6H 6/6N MsV and 5/6N HoF.

Our website is http://warcraftier.guildlaunch.com

We raid Sun-Wed 5:15 - 8:30 PM server time with a 10 minute break in between. You are not held to a fixed attendance percentage.

If you have any questions, feel free to inquire here or ask me in game.
Edited by Lerrielin on 1/2/2013 4:04 PM PST
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100 Pandaren Monk
Who, Meeeeeeee?!

DPS Warrior

We also have possible room for a mage and boomkin. Exceptional candidates are always welcome to apply.

Oh, no not me. But that's ok, I cannot resist a /pandaflop for a guild of awesome people.
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100 Human Warrior
DPS warrior?

How about a washed up raid leader that just wants to do his job and follow direction?
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90 Night Elf Druid
DPS warrior?

How about a washed up raid leader that just wants to do his job and follow direction?

It depends on what you were washed up in... :O

In all seriousness, for all interested parties, feel free to stop by our site, look around, read our charter and see if you think you'd be a good fit in our guild culture. If the answer is yes, drop an app in. If there are any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. ;)
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100 Human Warrior
Currently washed up in chicken soup and money.

Began reading your policies and notice you seem to have a no gnome policy. My best friend is a gnome and one hell of a disc priest.

So my question is does my known assoiciation with said gnome, over seven years now, impact my possible chances of acceptance in a negative way?
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85 Night Elf Rogue
Other than the fact that they are delicious being deeply ingrained within our Guild's culture, we don't actually discriminate against gnomes... especially if they bring their own BBQ sauce.
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90 Draenei Warrior
Creelos is hardly washed up, perhapps a bit unshowered but I suppose that adds to his manly appeal?

Anyways, I think he would be a good addition to your guild, he is one hell of a warrior give or take a few moments of keyboard turning in BC, but that can be over looked ~_^
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90 Gnome Priest
Actually Rivry he’s pretty much a smelly washed up Creeboard turner. Tyrilian, I prefer to be marinated or is it serenaded? Sometimes I get confused.
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90 Draenei Warrior

Thinking back to the stories Tayanita told me, This is the image that comes to mind every time I think of Creelos, but only in a good way! =)
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100 Human Warrior
Tanking Lord Sanguinar pre Kael'thas nerfs cured me of my creeboard turning ways. A and D are bound to high priorty abilities and have been for about five years now.

This thread is not about me it is about Warcraftier looking to fill some spots with quality people.
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90 Orc Shaman
Thumbs up for Warcraftier.
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Warcraftier and Die, yesss!
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl peered at the message board to see if there was anything of interest while she waited for Abon outside the bank. She muttered softly to herself. "Looking for girlfriend. Looking for boyfriend. Hmmm, perhaps the they should just hook up. Lost frog. The owner should contact Belpha, he always had lots of frogs. Looking for adventure. Looking for adventurers."

She straightened. Adventures were fun, but they wanted exceptional candidates. And speak of the devil a mage from Warcraftier stopped next to her.

"Hello, Gentyl. Haven't seen you around in a while."

She smiled. "I was off on business for a bit. It's good to see you."

Just then a large bird glided down to sit on his head. Her dark tail feathers twitched and she pooped on his head. Gentyl stared at the mess sliding down the side of his head toward his elegant robes. He reached up with a handkerchief and wiped the poop away.

"I hate it when you do that, Lerri" he grumbled.

"Does she do it often?" She looked up at the bird. "Lerri, my friend?"

The bird nodded.

His fingers flicked and incinerated the handkerchief. "Yes, she's mad because I won't give her kittens."

Gentyl blinked. It was kind of an odd mating ritual, but to each their own. "How have you been, Lerri? Haven't seen you for a while."

"I'm good. You need new boots."

Gentyl looked down at her rather tatty boots. They had seen their better days. She blushed a bit.

Just then, Abon popped up. "Sorry, boss. Our practice lasted longer than we thought it would." She cocked her head to the side. Miss Lerrielin could I interest you in some fine beauty products? Got a sale going this week. Buy one get one half off. You'll have old hot fingers here begging to give you kittens in no time."

((Warcraftier is one of our oldest continually running raiding guilds on this server. They are pure pro at what they do and even more important, some of the nicest and most fun people you will find.

If you're interested in raiding, you can't find a better group. Bar none.

And, blast my memory, I can't remember the mage's name in that little encounter. Anyway, it was fun, as always.))
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90 Night Elf Druid
I believe it was Inic on his warlock, Gentyl. :o

We're ok on hunter apps at this point. Still open to the other classes listed. :D
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100 Human Paladin
yep, it was inic. how could i forget? anyway, too much fun and i hope you didn't mind me poking a bit of fun bump.
Good luck with recruiting.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Not at all, thank you. ;)
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100 Human Priest
I make movies of bits and bytes (characters) casting bits and bytes (spells) at bits and bytes (bosses) in order to get new shiny bits and bytes (loot). :O
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90 Night Elf Druid
We still want you. :O
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90 Worgen Warlock
Me, you say? Why, I never.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Hee hee. :D
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