OOC: To those who may care.

I've started and stopped so many different times on the cc forums on how to.. make a forum post that would explain this.

I have made a new main toon on a different server so I can have rp. Still doing that slow leveling grind without heirlooms. I made a panda hunter, and so far I've enjoyed the rp.. not sure if its because I've gone without rp for so long but, so far its been really nice to have someone to type back and visit in the tavern with.. or even just fishing at the docks.

Not sure if I will do much more than visit my characters for their daily upkeep such as checking mail, and the occasional daily. I will go ahead and mail the guilds that I am with so that they will not wonder why I'm not logging in to level.. as leveling seems to be the only thing left to do anymore.

I have tried to tell a few about it, but it seems to fall on busy or preoccupied ears. I think the worst is when you don't have anyone that wants to rp.. to hear about their rp, "We had so much fun with our storyline! Oh? you wanted to rp?.. well we're leveling in mop now, maybe another time.. " I won't go into more, as I think this post is whiny enough.

Maybe I'll change my mind in a few weeks or months and come back to try again later.
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100 Human Paladin
i hate to hear this and would like to visit with you a bit. since I am back now, i'd love to rp with you, i saw grasshoppa earlier and didn't have a chance to visit with you. log in and let's talk. I can't do much else except fish but we can go dynamite fish again and harass Orwyn.

You very much are appreciated as a rper. unfortunately the new expansion has lured most people to the new places, but rp is picking up a bit.

aside from that, drunhilde won a prize in the ghost story contest.

hugs and bombs.
Edited by Gentyl on 11/11/2012 9:33 PM PST
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100 Gnome Warlock
((I've sat at the Recluse a few times looking for a familiar face as well! :D Tonight I will be at the Feathers open bar... if any of your toons are in the STV area stop by for a visit :D Would love to catch up :D ))
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100 Human Paladin
((Sorry I missed you. Somone cut the telephone cable yesterday and they got it fixed the next day. I'm been hanging out in the recluse a bit.

We talked, but would enjoy rping with you again. just takes me a bit to type as arm is locked down. between the two of us we can stif up some kind of trouble.))
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((I'll also admit that I've been pretty unsuccessful trying to find new people to include in stuff, even if it's just sitting around in a bar somewhere. If I can catch you, I'd be more than happy to RP. Beats rep grinding imo. :D ))
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