Silent Scream-sign ups-(OOC)

90 Blood Elf Paladin
I am on eastern time, unfortunately. Mal and I caught up the other day in game and planned a few days where we can get on at the same time. We'll see if we make these days/times a regular thing or if we will have to plan it week-by-week. We have also been sending letters back and forth in the mail so at least she is kept in the loop.

Sundays are best for me right now (I will continue to make these on a regular basis), and of course, in the mornings (but you have gone to bed by the time I can get on for any length of time). Afternoons are a bit harder, but starting next week I should be able to get on a few afternoons. I can also plan on logging in on an additional night. At the moment, I am trying to balance real life, a horde side character, and an ally side character.

I do have a personal story line that I am working on for Rheinne--it will literally be inch-by-inch, but considering what I have planned, a slow build makes sense.
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87 Blood Elf Rogue
Sounds good to me. I think I am going to start a Taipan thread. And try and tie it into the game more.
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