Posters in the Cities! (And Free Beer)

<Plastered throughout Alliance Cities (and its Quarter of Dalaran) are fine rice-paper posters with Pandaren style calligraphy, translated into Common. All is written with brush strokes proper of a trained scribe.>

War comes. This much we know. As the Alliance has given me a home in these troubled times, I, Jin Tsao of the Snowstout Clan, give in return.

For centuries, my clan has practiced the art of brewing on the Wandering Isle. Our legends go further to say that even before that, we practiced it at the foot of the Kun Lai Summit in Pandaria. I now bring that to you.

But I need your help. I seek those trusted souls who wish to learn our arts of brewing and help us to provide drink to the Alliance. I seek those skilled in combat to help protect our deliveries as we take them to our troops on the front lines. I seek those who like to entertain to help in the running of taverns throughout the Alliance to peddle our brew.

Think you want to get involved? Try some of our beer! Then contact Jintsao!

<Casks of beer are stacked below each poster.>

<Snowstout Brewery> is a level 8 Alliance RP/RP-PVP guild that I've brought over from Moon Guard. I started the idea there and it did not catch on well, but the ideas behind it seem better suited to Cenarion Circle. We have 4 bank tabs currently.

The idea is a Heavy RP guild with tavern nights, holiday events, inter-guild RP stories, and arranged RP-PVP with Horde groups (aka beer runs).

I also invite guild masters interested in inter-guild RP to contact me.

We have a currently under reconstruction site at
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85 Pandaren Rogue
Idly sneaking through the Alliance quarter of Dalaran - not exactly Dante's most brag-worthy feat, given that most couldn't tell an Alliance Pandaren from a Horde one, at first glance - the man came across a flier, arching a brow and tipping his head to the side.

"Pff." He sticks out his tongue, making a face. "Tushui." Shaking his head, he glances about before snagging one of the fliers and stuffing it into one of his pockets and making his way to the nearest mailbox.

The following letter arrives later on, marked with only a pawprint on the outside.

"Hey, brother Jintsao!

Good to hear you're doin' well on the other side of the fence.

Tell you what, though - still time to go back on that decision of yours. I mean, what's Human wine against Orcish grog, right?

Heh. Not that I expect any of you Tushui types to change your mind, really. Lemme know if you're ever sellin' to a broader audience, though, and I'll maybe put out a good word for ya.

If not, well, no hard feelin's when I stab one or two of ya in the back, eh?

Take care of yourself.

-Dante Blackpaw"
Edited by Dante on 11/15/2012 12:54 PM PST
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61 Dwarf Death Knight
Buldin stopped in front of one of these posters in the Military Ward of Ironforge and eyed it warily before sighing heavily, snatching the sheet off the wall.

"Time ta' see which side o' th' fence this fella' wants ta' sit on."

((This sounds like a whole lot of fun...))
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100 Undead Warrior
*Abominus skitters past the Iron Forge Notice board, passing a dwarf shaking his head in disgust. He fires a Hello Maggy Product Poster at the board, with built-in tack. It lands just above the head of the dwarf, and Abominus continues on his way*

Hello, Maggy! For Ironforge!

For all your hair care, make up, perfume, incense, and sartorial needs! we have the latest in Alliance and horde boot black, perfect for all you Storm troopers marching in step and off to War! You don;t want to be the last dwarf on your level without a dash of Black Rock Ash, the hottest new scent to hit Ironforge since FOREVER!

Tis the season, and a Hello, Maggy! flavour pack to mull all wines to make them palatable to dwarven palates is now available! Contact your closest Hello, Maggy! Outlet store, conveniently located in ever city on Azeroth and Draenor!

(A picture of a cavorrting Maggotess, wearing a viking helm, wielding a battleaxe in one hand and a foaming Tankard in the other, smiles coquettishly at the viewer. Directions to the nearest store located in the Dwarven in the Forlorn Cavern is in every Alliance language)
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Jin Tsao stepped out of the tunnel from the Tram into Tinkertown, letting his nose adjust to the smells of Ironforge and his ears to its noise. He had spent so much time in Pandaria lately, especially near his ancestral home in the Summit. The portal back to Stormwind from Paw'don after a long flight and then to Ironforge. The smells and sounds of each place were markedly different. After a moment to decide which way to go, he turned and set off toward the Military Ward.

Making his way toward the Hall of Arms, he stopped and cocked his head to the side. The barrels of beer were still there. The poster that had gone with them, however, was not. He left behind his leisurely pace and set out at a run toward them. Dried puddles of stout below the barrels showed the some passersby had been making use of them. The sign, however, was nowhere to be seen. He lifted his hand to scratch under the fur atop his head and set course up the stairs of the Hall. Perhaps someone had seen what happened.

He picked the bald, red-bearded dwarf who stood directing warriors. He looked the sort to have noticed. Clearing his through, Jin began "Pardon me, si..."

The dwarf turned gruffly, his voice annoyed, "Do I look like some fancy human to you, Pandaren? Kelstrum. Kelstrum Stonebreaker. Now what is it you want so badly to interrupt these wet-ears' training?"

Jin sighed. It was going to be one of those. "I am wondering if you saw who who pulled down..."

"Oh, you're the one with the fancy poster? Heh. Good stout though. I had me a mug or ten. But you're looking for Buldin, commander o' the Guard."

The dwarf turned back to the trainees and the monk knew he was done there. Now to the Brewery's office here in Ironforge. It's home office at the moment, really. Entering, he found a message with a black paw on the outside. Clearly it came from a fellow Pandaren.

As he read the message, he sighed. He wasn't sure how the message had gotten into the city. Perhaps the AAMS delivered it. He would not respond right away, but put the note to the flame after memorizing who it came from. He had heard rumors of the Guard's... vigilance in prosecuting those perceived to be traitors to the Alliance. He would later try to get the reply via other, more secure methods.

In the meantime, consider a recipe for beer for the Horde. All except the Huojin. He would not harm his brothers and sisters.

- Malt: Malted Stratholme wheat.
- Hops: Straight from Westfall
- Flavoring: Lichbloom, Sorrowmoss, perhaps some fruit to offset the taste
- Water: The snows of Icecrown. Snowmelt for the base was his family's secret.

He would have to think on this. Such a tactic would sicken Horde soldiers. Was it dishonorable or perhaps a way to peace?
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90 Gnome Death Knight
On her way through the Military Ward to get her morning cup of tea, Spriggel paused mid-step, her attention caught by the (mostly) unmolested barrels of beer below the message board. Must be fresh, she thought, glancing around the Ward for the delivery wagon.

“This is just what the doctor ordered,” she grunted aloud, wrestling one of the barrels away from its comrades. “Between the Guards’ visits and the new filing system that no one seems to be picking up readily, everyone is stressing and a deep mug or two should help smooth things down around the office.”

Before she tipped the barrel on its side and rolled it off to Old Tinker Town, Spriggel took a minute to read the newer posters on the board.

“Ooooo, Black Rock Ash? As good as FOREVER? Hmm, I’ll have to check that out. But no notice on who brewed these barrels? Very peculiar. Well hopefully it’s not any good and no one will ask me where’s it from.”

Cheerily, Spriggel rolled the barrel off to the new tea shop in Old Tinker Town, making plans to swing by the Hello, Maggi shop right after and give that new fragrance a try.
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A barrel taken. A barrel replaced. The best way to get customers was to give out that free sample, hook them, then make them pay. Rumor had it, however, that it had been a gnome from AAMS to take the barrel. He'd have to send her a special brew.

New Tinkertown snowmelt for water? Check.
Westfall grain and hops? Check. (Harvested mechanically, of course)

Now the question was... how does one flavor a brew for a gnome? Toshley's Station! It was in the Blade's Edge Mountains and a gnomish outpost. He could get dreaming glory from there and grind it to be brewed into the brew. Its radiance combined with the glow of the slightly irradiated water from the snowmelt would work beautifully.

Within a few days, it was ready to be sent to the AAMS office. Excellent. For humor, he'd send it via AAMS. He hadn't found any delivery people yet after all.

Then there was the matter of the letter to the Huojin. From the Tian Monastery to be safe.

Dear Brother Blackpaw!

I too am glad you are doing well. We each made our choices and have to abide by them in peace. Isn't that what we are supposed to be teaching our new comrades?

It is funny that you mention the split between the Tushui and Huojin. If I am honest, I am more inclined to the Huojin philosophy. That is why I joined the Tushui. It was about learning balance. And I had to stand on enough of those stupid poles to learn it. The bottoms of my paws still hurt.

Since we are at war, I cannot hold against you if you fight your hardest against the Alliance, just as you will not hold it against me if I fight against the Horde. It is our way. We have things worth fighting for - like lasting peace.

In the meantime... I'll be sending some barrels of Winterbite Stout your way. It is especially brewed for the tastes of the Horde. As you say, there is a difference between Human Wine and Orc Grog. Though neither can touch Pandaren beer, can it?

Your Brother,
Jin Tsao Snowstout
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