<Circle of the Dark Moon> recruiting!

90 Worgen Rogue
Hello everyone! I am a member of the guild: Circle of the Dark Moon. We are a guild consisting mostly of friends, but we'd like to hold out a helping hand to other people of this community. We are currently a level 16 guild that is attempting to raise its' level, and help other members.

Currently we'd like to level the guild by helping others level, but we are planning on getting a core 10 man group together. We only need a few more people in order to get that raid together, but we may start another if we get more people.

We do have a mumble server to talk on, and are currently in the process of getting other guild events and tools ready for your needs. If you'd like to join us, feel free to reply to this thread, send I or Kerayna / Forgottenfables an in-game mail, or a whisper, or even sign up using the guild system in the game!

We hope to get a few more members, and to hear from you soon!
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90 Troll Druid
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