All Anon Merchandise Swap (A Mass of Thanks)

100 Gnome Warlock
THANK YOU SECRET SANTA!!! I didn't have one yet and I loooooooooove it sooooo much!!! ))
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100 Gnome Priest
Derscha looked at the pile of papers on the edge of her desk. She was certain that all the Swap Deliveries were being sent, so why was the pile not getting any smaller?

She picked up the first paper, and saw it was a request for a return message. One of the recipients wanted to send a "Thank you" back. That was sweet.

She picked up the next paper, only to see the same. A quick rifling through the stack showed even more return messages.

"Well. I guess we have even more deliveries, now..."

The next day, new flyers are posted.

Due to the number of requests we've had, the AAMS would like to send the following message in mass:

From: Your Gift Recipient
To: You

Message: "Thank you very much!"

Thank you to everyone, and Merry Winter's Veil.

((Pretty much everyone so far has wanted to send a thank-you back. :D We're a little too busy trying to get the actual gifts sent to do all the return thanks in person. Feel free to keep posting here, if you'd like! ))
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70 Gnome Priest
((Yes thank you to my secret santa for the lovely gift and thank you to AAMS for organizing it. Lots of fun, a great idea. I look forward to it next year.))
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100 Undead Priest
((Should be getting mine out tonight after I'm done with more RL shopping))
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90 Night Elf Priest
Mala sat in the Cathedral Square watching her new gift flit around her head, a wide smile on her face.

"It looks like I will have to find a name for you,"

She looked forward to the prospect.

((Thank you my ANON gift giver!))
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100 Human Paladin
Ari strolled into the Recluse, graceful as always, stopping at the rail to let her eyes adjust to the dark. Gentyl watched her and wondered who was getting a message this time. Her face brightened when she saw Gentyl.

Hmm, something for me maybe. Hopefully it isn't ticking.

Gentyl motioned Ari to the table. "Please join us. Would you like some tea?"

Nan had already risen to go get her a drink and sat back down when Ari accepted the tea.

"Sepha, I have a delivery for you." She set a rather large box down on the floor.

"Is it ticking?"

"No, but the last time you asked me that you said later you wished it had been."

Gentyl nodded and took a sip of tea. "I remember saying that, but I can't remember what it was. The dead rat? No, maybe the rotting heart. I think that was earlier. The crate of dead elves? Maybe those poisoned apples." She looked at Ari who kept shaking her head no.

"I can tell you if you give me permission to discuss a delivery."

"Of course. Now I'm curious."

"The screeching cockroach."

Gentyl shuddered. "Ah yes, how could I forget? Hopefully this doesn't screech."

Ari looked at the box. "Not so far."

"Well, then, let's see what's in it." Gentyl pulled the festive wrapping loose and was met with an excited whoof. She pulled the box loose. A slightly familiar, slightly dead dog stood in front of her waving its tail.

Ari handed her a letter. "Oh, I almost forgot."

Miss Gentyl,

Thought y'all'd appreciate this. I dug her up out back of y'all's old homestead up Elwynn way an' put her back together best I could. (had to replace some missin' bits, but I reckon she's at least 80% the one I found there.)

Dunno if she was yers or someone else's, but she's yers now. I been a'callin' her "Snuffles," on acount of the sound she makes when she breathes, but I reckon she'll answer t' anything y'all wanna call her.

Light's blessings,

~Head Doctor Knowles

Gentyl stared at the dog. "Buttercup?"

The dog jumped up and snuffled loudly.

What on earth was Dr. Knowles doing at the farm? How did he find Buttercup? How did he reanimate her...sort of.

The dog ran out the door and returned a few minutes later with a dead squirrel she dropped at Gentyl's feet and rolled in it. Ah, yes. There was that problem, but how much worse could it be? The dog was mostly rotted herself. What if she realized that and spent her days rolling over and over trying to roll on herself?

Well, at least she didn't explode...or screech.

((Knowles, thank you so very much. I was, of course, very surprise and pleased.))
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