So me, Vinikzekeel, and my best friend, Witheeis Farlonslit, have been wandering around Duskwood to visit some ol' memories. We went around the whole area and began hiking up the mountains before stepping into Stranglethorn Vale. As we walked along the mountain-tops, I felt this strange pressence all of a sudden. With, Vin, I grabbed our pick axes and started digging along the mountain. After digging deep enough, we have dug some kind of strange, magistic, artifact. From the looks of it, it has been buried for centuries. It had some strange markings on it, but us three couldn't figure it out. We took it back to Stormwind, and see if anyone can decipher the markings. So far, the only information we got is that it is a key to -something-, and it is possibly located somewhere on the Eastern Kingdoms.
Seeing to this, the three us will go out and see if we can find any other clues to this artifact, and perhaps recruit some friends along the way. But, I have a feeling that someone else may want this artifact just to unlock whatever it unlocks, and use it for their nefarious purposes. I do sense some danger in this quest, but we are prepared for whatever happens.
((If you are interested of joining me and With, whisper one of us! And uh.. anyone mind playing a villian for this, cause we might need one? >.>...))
Seeing to this, the three us will go out and see if we can find any other clues to this artifact, and perhaps recruit some friends along the way. But, I have a feeling that someone else may want this artifact just to unlock whatever it unlocks, and use it for their nefarious purposes. I do sense some danger in this quest, but we are prepared for whatever happens.
((If you are interested of joining me and With, whisper one of us! And uh.. anyone mind playing a villian for this, cause we might need one? >.>...))