The Holy Rose Monastery based at the reclaimed location of Tyr's Hand in the Western Plaguelands is going to open its doors to good people willing to offer their support in the service of justice and peace, we as a people strive to help the Alliance and her citizens with the trying times. Grand social events and aid to the wounded and ill is provided by our Peacekeepers and Holy Council members where as the defense of our home and the war effort are handled by our knights. We are social and fun and wish to grow further so please contact myself, the Abbot Meiyo, for any questions or wish to be interviewed for membership into our Order, Light bless us all.
Holy Rose Monastery Recruitment
Tyr's Hand is a great location for RP, and this is a very promising guild that's got it's toes in all kinds of RP.
Tyr's Hand is a great location for RP, and this is a very promising guild that's got it's toes in all kinds of RP.
I support my dear friend Meiyo and the Holy Rose Monastery!
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