Hi there,
<The Netherforged>'s one and only raid group is currently in need of a second tank. A paladin is strongly preferred (our buff makeup is in dire need of one, namely BoM) but we will work with any class. We are also accepting individuals interested in being in a "backup" capacity, mainly for DPS. Our guild is ALWAYS accepting those interested in a "social" membership.
You be: Item Level 460+ in your tank set; fully and properly gemmed/enchanted/reforged; familiar with AT LEAST the Raid Finder versions of MSV and willing to research the differences in Normal; willing to join our guild within 2-3 weeks of joining the raid.
About us: We are a fairly tight-knit group of raiders. Most of the group has been together since the beginning of Cataclysm. We made full normal clears of all Tier 11 raids and Firelands, but never made any real heroic progress until Dragon Soul, where we ultimately went 6/8 H, narrowly missing Spine just as Mists of Pandaria released.
I consider our raid "semi-casual":
Semi in that we expect our raiders to prioritize the raid and take seriously the fact that 9 other people have set aside time in their busy schedules to raid together. Regular attendance is mandatory, and you should only miss for "emergency" situations, or for situations that are planned out well in advance (I prefer at least 1-2 weeks' notice if you're going to miss for some reason).
This means that not showing up to raid because you had to take a family member to the hospital is OK, but not showing up to raid because your friends showed up at the last minute and asked you to go out with them IS NOT. This may be "just a game", but we are real people and we expect you to respect OUR commitment of our time and make being here a priority.
Casual in that we like to enjoy ourselves, joke around, and proceed at a (relatively) leisurely pace, while still making good use of the time we set aside. We don't "assign farming duties" during the week, or make you bring your own flasks and food (these things are provided). We simply ask that you contribute as much as you can, even if only by putting all your BoE greens into the guild bank for disenchanting.
If you are interested in joining us, drop me a line in-game (by whisper or by mail) and we can talk.
Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday, 6:15pm invites to 9:30pm end (server time/PST). You are expected to stay for the full duration (extenuating circumstances aside), but we do not continue past end time without a unanimous vote to do so, and in such cases continue onward on a "1 attempt at time" basis until someone has to go.
We are in need of someone to start next week. We are using this Thursday's raid time to run HoF-LFR and TES-LFR as a guild, so if you are 470+ and would like to join us, let me know.
Main spec loot rules follow the Suicide Kings loot system, using the KonferSK addon (You are not required to download and use the addon, but you can if you wish). Off spec loot rules are based on a free roll. BoE pieces are subject to Main spec SK --> Off spec free roll --> off character free roll --> Guild Bank.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Surehoof Mistrunner
Forgemaster of <The Netherforged>
<The Netherforged>'s one and only raid group is currently in need of a second tank. A paladin is strongly preferred (our buff makeup is in dire need of one, namely BoM) but we will work with any class. We are also accepting individuals interested in being in a "backup" capacity, mainly for DPS. Our guild is ALWAYS accepting those interested in a "social" membership.
You be: Item Level 460+ in your tank set; fully and properly gemmed/enchanted/reforged; familiar with AT LEAST the Raid Finder versions of MSV and willing to research the differences in Normal; willing to join our guild within 2-3 weeks of joining the raid.
About us: We are a fairly tight-knit group of raiders. Most of the group has been together since the beginning of Cataclysm. We made full normal clears of all Tier 11 raids and Firelands, but never made any real heroic progress until Dragon Soul, where we ultimately went 6/8 H, narrowly missing Spine just as Mists of Pandaria released.
I consider our raid "semi-casual":
Semi in that we expect our raiders to prioritize the raid and take seriously the fact that 9 other people have set aside time in their busy schedules to raid together. Regular attendance is mandatory, and you should only miss for "emergency" situations, or for situations that are planned out well in advance (I prefer at least 1-2 weeks' notice if you're going to miss for some reason).
This means that not showing up to raid because you had to take a family member to the hospital is OK, but not showing up to raid because your friends showed up at the last minute and asked you to go out with them IS NOT. This may be "just a game", but we are real people and we expect you to respect OUR commitment of our time and make being here a priority.
Casual in that we like to enjoy ourselves, joke around, and proceed at a (relatively) leisurely pace, while still making good use of the time we set aside. We don't "assign farming duties" during the week, or make you bring your own flasks and food (these things are provided). We simply ask that you contribute as much as you can, even if only by putting all your BoE greens into the guild bank for disenchanting.
If you are interested in joining us, drop me a line in-game (by whisper or by mail) and we can talk.
Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday, 6:15pm invites to 9:30pm end (server time/PST). You are expected to stay for the full duration (extenuating circumstances aside), but we do not continue past end time without a unanimous vote to do so, and in such cases continue onward on a "1 attempt at time" basis until someone has to go.
We are in need of someone to start next week. We are using this Thursday's raid time to run HoF-LFR and TES-LFR as a guild, so if you are 470+ and would like to join us, let me know.
Main spec loot rules follow the Suicide Kings loot system, using the KonferSK addon (You are not required to download and use the addon, but you can if you wish). Off spec loot rules are based on a free roll. BoE pieces are subject to Main spec SK --> Off spec free roll --> off character free roll --> Guild Bank.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Surehoof Mistrunner
Forgemaster of <The Netherforged>
Edited by Surehoof on 11/28/2012 2:30 AM PST