Oceanic RP Invite. ((IC))

33 Worgen Hunter
A reasonably sized man works through the Stormwind city streets, he feels uncomfortable being surrounded by seasoned gladiators, grizzled war veterans and accomplished evil vanquishers, but he is confident, confident and resolute.

At every few wooden structures he come across he pins a small piece of parchment to, it reads:

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and foe. I, Rubon Blaise, invite you too The Greentail Tavern, a place where all members of the Alliance come together, rest, chat, trade and gloat about their accomplishments. Run by myself primarily and still looking for more able bodied barmaids, we seek to keep you happy and still be quite interactive with our crowd. Ales and wines will be served all night however food is B.Y.O. Fights are strictly banned inside, please take it outside and a reasonable attire is required while still sober. If you chuck up, you buy a round. Rooms will be going for cheap beneath the tavern. The Greentail Tavern will be open from 10:30 every Saturday morning for a lunch session and some nights with times being posted a few days in advance and is located in Thelsamar

-Signed Rubon Blaise

He stands back to admire his work and turns to leave with a tug of his moustache, smiling as his mastiff trots along beside him.

((Please check this forum oage out if you're interested, would love to hear from you! :) http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7005437343 ))
Edited by Rubon on 11/29/2012 12:24 AM PST
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33 Worgen Hunter
Oh and sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes and a really lazy story structure and very little imagination investment, I've had a rough day and I'm knackered. I assure you my RP is a lot higher quality.
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87 Blood Elf Rogue
So Saurfang is your realm of choice then? I am interested, even though I am not in Aussieland or anywhere too close, I am on West Coast of US. I am often on in wee hours of the mornings Pacific time. Do you accept others besides those actually in the Oceanic part of the world?

I am willing to roll a character to join you and have some rp fun.
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33 Worgen Hunter
So Saurfang is your realm of choice then? I am interested, even though I am not in Aussieland or anywhere too close, I am on West Coast of US. I am often on in wee hours of the mornings Pacific time. Do you accept others besides those actually in the Oceanic part of the world?

I am willing to roll a character to join you and have some rp fun.

Hmm, I think you would be welcome. :) But only because we're looking to get larger at the moment. But we're not going to kick you out once we have a strong player base, stay as long as you like. :) Add me CorvoAttano#6708 and I'll talk to you in eight or so hours (School.) You'll be invited the guild and the event I'm setting up and can rock up to the said event whenever you please. :)

Oh, /join OOCAlliance
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87 Blood Elf Rogue
Ok, made a human priest named Rubiyates. I am in the OOC now if anyone is interested in helping out and some rp. Will be leveling to 10 and then waiting until later to join you all.
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33 Worgen Hunter
11/29/2012 04:53 PMPosted by Amarlei
Ok, made a human priest named Rubiyates. I am in the OOC now if anyone is interested in helping out and some rp. Will be leveling to 10 and then waiting until later to join you all.

Awesome! :) I have a few more responses to post and then I will be on. Got a bit caught up.
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13 Human Priest
Where are you? Waiting to join you.

Have to get to bed. Sorry I missed you. I am usually in bed by 11 server time, maybe not going to work out very well if you dont have anyone else on to rp with.
Edited by Rubiyates on 11/30/2012 4:18 AM PST
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33 Worgen Hunter
Where are you? Waiting to join you.

Have to get to bed. Sorry I missed you. I am usually in bed by 11 server time, maybe not going to work out very well if you dont have anyone else on to rp with.

I'm not really sure how I missed you, sorry. :( If you add my real id ( CorvoAttano#6708 ) I'll definately get in touch A.S.A.P. It'll be the easiest way.
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13 Human Priest
I was on the server for about 2 hours, and I never seen any thing in the channel. You need more people to use it and get it going. I saw you once in the channel when you left, I tried talking and you did not answer.

I did add Rubon to my friends list. I do not do a lot of real ID unless I get to know you better.
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33 Worgen Hunter
I was on the server for about 2 hours, and I never seen any thing in the channel. You need more people to use it and get it going. I saw you once in the channel when you left, I tried talking and you did not answer.

I did add Rubon to my friends list. I do not do a lot of real ID unless I get to know you better.

I'm really not sure how I'm missing you. Yes, we have only myself and two others who use the channel, one I haven't met and the other isn't on this weekend, I'm still looking for you though. :)
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33 Worgen Hunter
I was on the server for about 2 hours, and I never seen any thing in the channel. You need more people to use it and get it going. I saw you once in the channel when you left, I tried talking and you did not answer.

I did add Rubon to my friends list. I do not do a lot of real ID unless I get to know you better.

I'm thinking you should add me on RealID just until we have established contact then we can unfriend, I'll never learn of your e-mail so I can't do anything crazy and once we un-friend it's entirely up to you to accept me again. :) Just a suggestion.

I am on right now, by the way.
Edited by Rubon on 12/1/2012 6:00 AM PST
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13 Human Priest
Sent you an in game mail, hope we can connect and you find more rpers.
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