state of todays game...

90 Human Paladin
I find myself thinking today, of all that I've done in the World of Warcraft, all the time spent, and accomplishments, and things like that. I've been playing for as long as anyone really, joining in December of '04, and been a paying member every month since then. Maybe it's nostalgia, or whatever but I remember the older days being far more fun than today's game. Yes there were rep grinds, really difficult raid bosses, 40 man's etc. A buffing system that was rediculous, etc. The dungeons were long, they were tricky, but fun.

Here is what I've noticed over the years that has become more prevalent, and in my opinion, draining the fun out of this game. First thing that comes to mind is rep grinding. Yes, I was exalted with Argent Dawn before Naxx even came out, so I know a rep grind when I see one, but what happened with the game where we have to now do a certain amount of quests every day to build up reputation, to buy gear? Which brings me to another point. Dailies. Does anyone else find this concept crazy? Why would anyone willingly log into a game they are paying for, to do the same quests, every day, or every other day, for some reward, as menial as a piece of gear? Now I know what you're going to say, what if these people can't raid, or do endgame content that takes a long time? I have no idea, why are they grinding gear to begin with then? And lastly, LFR. I like the idea that there is a simpler raid, but I don't think the gear should be remotely the same. I've been into all of the current LFR boss encounters, and there literally is no skill involved. No strategies, its a zerg rush. I remember bosses being harder in UBRS.

I remember days, not so long ago, where we had a giant open world, to come up with our own fun between raids or whatever else we wanted. Is there someone attacking the city? Is Southshore under attack again? I had fun making my own rules for raids to pass the time. Everything from Downgrade raids, where a group would tackle lower level raid content, and be forced to take gear they could use, as the raid progressed, thus making it more difficult and fun towards the end. I remember team based 5 man group races through dungeons. I remember making up our own achievements, like doing a raid with no pants equipped. (pants for player still optional). No shoes, and everyone must get hit by the wave in Sarth raid, thus calling it the "hang 10 raid". 2 Healing or solo healing stuff to see if we can. This isn't a QQ thread, I don't need any sympathy or trolling, just my thoughts, and would love to hear others' thoughts. What did you do for fun? What do you like or dislike about the current state of WoW? What would you see changed, implimented, or reverted back to? Let's hear your thoughts!
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100 Orc Warrior
The simplest and most ubiquitous explanation for this type of complaint is simple: you are older, and video games are less fun.

Not to mention the game itself is old. You can only take the same concept, rehash it over and over, before things start to seem repetitive.

So all in all, maybe you have grown out of video games... like many of us will eventually.

As for the game itself, I can only think of overall improvements. There is actually nothing about vanilla I miss mechanic wise. The only thing I miss are people who used to play then that no longer play. If the game returned to its state in vanilla I think I'll be done with the game.
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There're two things I miss from Vanilla.

1. Southshore.
2. Old Blanchy.
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90 Human Paladin
I can definitely say with absolute certainty that I am not getting "too old to video game". Perhaps its just that much better concepts have come out since WoW, and I like those more. I can name numerous examples of things I enjoy more about Guild Wars 2, than WoW, and definitely some things WoW does way better. I'm currently playing: Battlefield 3, Batman Arkham Aslyum, and soon Arkam City, Borderlands 2, much of the humble bundle, Guild Wars 2, for some reason I still have Star Wars The Old Republic still on my computer... And I'm eager to see what Blizzard has in store for us with "Titan" should it ever be released. Its development cycle has been super long, so I'm sure they are constantly implimenting things they like from other games. I'd have to agree with you that mechanics-wise there is a lot about Vanilla that wouldn't work today. Maybe I'm just tired of the chore based gaming that WoW is becoming. A "here is your list for today, do them and you get a dollar" type of game play to me seems repetative, and a little offensive.
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Dailies were the thing they'd hoped would make Panda popular. Unlike Cata, which was "Redone old-world" as the big hope. On the plus side, they haven't made a PVP-only based expansion yet.
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90 Human Paladin
Lol they are working towards something more PVP based though, with the war vs the horde in the coming patches, are they not? I dont know all of the info.
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100 Pandaren Warrior
there's a lot to the game that is fun, but i agree about dailies. i gave up on them.

hell, i gave up on the farm too. it gets tiring when every plant has something wrong.
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85 Human Warlock
You know what's really tiring? Seeing all these threads....I had hoped that they were contained to the general discussion forum, but apparently not.
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90 Night Elf Priest
I didn't find old rep grinds "fun". I knew very few people who were exalted with all of the BC dungeon reps by the time WotLK hit because most people found grinding the same 2-3 heroic instances over and over for rep dull. My sense of nostalgia is mostly governed by the people I knew back then, not out of any misplaced loyalty toward game mechanics I'm glad died.

Hey, remember desperately whispering everybody within a 5 level difference of you who might conceivably be able to tank your lowbie dungeon asking them if they would, and ending up with a fury warrior in cloth who agreed to tank because he had no idea what tanking was, but you grimly stuck with him because it took you a full two hours to find even him?

And being the only person to bother flying to the summoning stone while your other 4 party members stood around gawking at the ceiling, claimed they didn't know where it was, or were just all synchronised afking (while somehow their health went up and down as they got into combat with things)?

Remember how much fun it was getting your Kara key on your 6th alt? No, wait, nvm.

I, being a priest, sure loved the constant flood of 'come heal my dungeon' whispers shortly followed by, after I said I was shadow, 'lol what's the use of a priest who can't heal'. And there being a grand total of 1 raiding ret pally on my server who only secured his spot in his guild's raid group by, um, being the guild master.

Hey remember when blizz cared even less about pvp viability than they do now and we had 3 straight seasons of resto druid/fury warrior 2v2s? Oh, or how about when the only possible way to get upgrades was in dungeons, and some of us had godawful luck with RNG and literally killed bosses hundreds of time for no reason?

Oh man, and for us mount/pet collectors out there, who else remembers having an entire 18-slot bag full of mounts and an entire 16-slot bag full of pets, plus a bag stuffed with offspec gear and pvp gear with your Outfitter addon to quick-change between specs? Or the old talent system that encouraged 20/20/21 idiots? My personal fav was a shadow priest who told me she hadn't bothered speccing into Vampiric Touch because she'd taken a talent that gave users a percentage of extra spelldamage/healing based on their spirit, which I'm sure made our SHAMAN healer's day since shaman healers totes had tons of spirit.

Remember paladins who only put 1 or 2 points into the 5-point Blessings of Kings resulting in a buff that gave 4% extra stats? OH! Or the absolutely mandatory Blessing of Salvation! Remember Pallypower, necessary to balance the 85 freaking pally blessings in a raid? Or the times you needed to hearth out to go buy more buff reagents and people had to run back to summon you, good times. As was waiting until level 60 to buy your 500g epic mount, which you mostly couldn't afford, and then needing to come up with an extra 1,000g at 70 for your 60% movement speed wyvern/gryphon.

Things I miss about BC: my guild of then, who were mostly friends. But I was younger then too, and I had more time to farm 8 bajillion dungeons.
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90 Human Paladin
Those are definitely the mechanics people are talking about hating. A LOT of the current state of the game has made it much much easier, from specs, to mount and pet tabs, to dungeon finder, the game has become far more friendly. I completely agree with most of your post. Is there anything you guys have seen elsewhere, or have thought of, that you think would be cool in the next Blizzard MMO or next xpac or patch they should implement? I know from the little time I spent in GW2 that the crafting was difficult because of all the mix and match materials, but what I did like, was the speed at which you could craft multiples of the same item, and the ability to store crafting mats in a seperate bank, from anywhere in the world, without having to mail or go back to your bank to deposit. Also, another cool feature, was the sell junk feature.
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97 Orc Warrior
Implement things that are in addons we all tend to use, like the open all feature for mailboxes, and a scrolldown list of your alts when mailing. A shared bank would be awesome too, was really nice in Guild wars, even if its just to store mats for crafting.

Built in recount, an easier to navigate built in atlasloot. no limit on the ignore list. A way to queue up a raid for bgs, Built in altaholic, build in scrolling battle text, option to change the way of your battle text. Built in Roleplay features.

Cant think of much else..
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I was young and foolish then. I'm old and foolish now..
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90 Human Paladin
I like all your suggestions Aethelgyth!
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100 Pandaren Warrior
12/05/2012 04:42 AMPosted by Æthelgyth
Implement things that are in addons we all tend to use, like the open all feature for mailboxes, and a scrolldown list of your alts when mailing.

this this this this this this this

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wtb second void storage tab.

Also, more stable space.

(and useable Wind Stones)
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