Troubadour Night

100 Human Paladin
Troubadour Night once again returns to it's regular time. We had tried moving it up to 6 to see if more people were free, but it seems 7 is the better time.

Abon will be making her appearance with her pets for sale and we'll have a few prizes to give away to both performers and audience.

Troubadour night is a long favored event on CC that Pia is very happy to continue. The creative efforts of our server members knows no bounds and we're pleased to be able to showcase them. So, come, enjoy some commaraderie, songs, stories and even jokes.

Join us on Monday night in the Explorer's Hall of Ironforge at 7 pm and celebrate the creativity that is CC.
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100 Human Paladin
A reminder this is tonight. Anwell introduced a round robin story telling that was very popular last time and with his permission, we will be continuing that. While in character Gentyl cringes every time she sees him, it can't be denied he always livens things up.

We love to encourage people to participate in the wide variety of roleplay events CC offers. Please do join us this evening.
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Quite the entertaining and...unique...event to have stumbled upon tonight. Though I arrived after the event had started, I did enjoy the stories, the characters and the overall experience of Troubadour Night. I have it marked down on my calendar and will definitely try to make it to the next one. I may even share a story...or poem of my own.
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100 Human Paladin
Wyncent, we were very happy to have you join us. It normally doesn't last that long, but fun, if hectic, times.

Charitye left a big fish in your room for you.
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