Which listed Race/ Class Should I Choose

Should I make an Orc Warrior/ Monk or a Pandaren Shaman/ Monk?

Orc Warrior (Arms/ Protection)- Follower of Thrall. Wants peace for the members of the Horde. Even if that means Alliance genocide. Loves to have beer drinking contests with Pandaren Brewmasters. Trains under the teachings of master Warriors. Secretly has friends with some Tushui Pandaren. Plots to kill Garrosh and make Thrall Warchief again.

Orc Monk (Brewmaster/ Mistweaver)- Follower of Thrall. Not corrupt and cruel like the followers of the Hellscream child. Wants peace for all races, except a select few (Tushui Pandaren (The ones that resist the ways of the Horde, Draenei (enemies on Draenor), and the Gnomes (puny and weak). Respects the Huojin Pandaren and follows their teachings. Convinces Thrall to overtake Garrosh and become Warchief again.

Pandaren Shaman (Enhancement/ Elemental)- Huojin Pandaren. Allies with all Shamanic races except the Goblins. Although Goblins are Shamans, their greedy and destroy nature if it will get them a few copper. Respects the Horde for their tribal ways.

Pandaren Monk (Windwalker/ Brewmaster)- Huojin Pandaren. Allies with Orc Shamans, Hunters, and Monks (also some Warriors), Troll Shamans, Druids, Monks, and Hunters, Tauren Shamans, Druids, Monks, and Hunters, few Goblin Shamans. Respects the Horde for their tribal ways and power. Is interested in Horde history and the life of the loved ex-Warchief Thrall.

Or another Race/ Class along those lines?

Edit: Dwarves, Humans, Forsaken, Worgen, and Tushui Pandaren are also options
Edited by Argnarus on 11/29/2012 3:00 PM PST
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89 Human Paladin
I just have a couple of questions about the characters you've presented here. With the Orc Warrior, I have to wonder..... how does he have friends among the Tushui Pandaren? The Pandaren from that floating island made their decision before leaving the island -- it doesn't seem very likely that the Alliance Pandaren know anyone from the Horde or vice versa. So, if you're going to have him have friends in the Tushui Pandaren, I'd say you need a good explanation.

With your Orc Monk, I am just not sure how believable I find the character's racism unless he was personally victimized by members of the other races (except the Tushui Pandaren, that one I totally get). Draenei were only enemies of the Orcs after the Orcs fell under the sway of the Burning Legion -- if he finds the followers of Garrosh to be corrupt and cruel, I would he's more likely to want to redeem his race for their transgressions under demonic influence. As for the gnomes, he may think of them as puny and weak but why does he think of them as punier and weaker than goblins?

The Pandaren characters work much better for me, although I'm curious about how much they support Garrosh.
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