Why Matron Battlewail Likes Abominus

100 Undead Warrior
1) The few tons of meats and leather deposited on her doorstep every other month or so, along with Maggots to cook and make clothing for her

2) The batches of chocolate covered gooberries he leaves under her table

3) His "culling" behaviours towards her charges. Only the Strong Survive!

4) The lovely fur coats she receives for her and her staff

5) Flavoured wines

6) Hello Maggy products

7) ?????????

8) Strength and Honour!
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Rodriguez's diplomacy has nothing to do with it?
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100 Human Paladin
Her informant cleared his throat, rousing her out of a reverie. She jumped a bit and chided herself. Two Pandas named Abbitt and Kostello had tried to kill her near the cathedral just a few weeks ago. She had never been to see the Pandas or their land, so she was unsure why they hated her. She certainly didn't recognize the names the informant had finally secured for her. Regardless, it was dangerous to not be completely focused and aware.

"Yes, Des?"

"I have word that Abominus may be in love again. I think you're safe from him now."

She breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The gods were merciful. "Thank you, Des. That's excellent news. I'll put a bonus in your check this week."

((I'm tired, but I had to respond. Abominus truly is a treasure to CC.))
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