I'm Roleplaying a Pandaren

16 Pandaren Monk
So which quest line should I follow?
night elf
or dwarf (don't say dwarf because of ale because I'm not a Brewmaster)

Thanks for your opinions

Edit: If it matters I'm a Windwalker
Edited by Shàoqiáng on 12/9/2012 9:06 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
Well, you don't necessarily have to RP out whatever questline you're on, particularly since starting zones now take you back into the "past" before Pandaria was discovered, but I know it can be really fun if you do take that route.

If you have a starting area you haven't tried, I'd suggest doing that one just to round out your experience.

From a purely roleplaying point of view, however, I think it makes the most sense for Pandarens to level through the human zones. I think most of their initial experiences with the Alliance would be with Stormwind, so they would start exploring the areas of Azeroth surrounding Elwynn.

If you're worried about quest rewards and such, then I suggest you do Dun Morogh so you can pick up the Airfield Defender's Garb, a nice white robe that will make it much easier building an AAMS uniform.

You know.

Just in case.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Any one of those is fine. I haven't done the Dwarf quests so I wouldn't really know, but I particularly enjoyed the Nelf quests. It's all a matter of preference. Though Derscha's right, from a strictly RP standpoint, Humans are the alliance race who first made significant contact with the Pandaren, so those quests would thus make more sense.

...Fair warning, though, you might still need that robe now that Derscha's got her sights set on ya.
Edited by Tyrynna on 12/9/2012 12:02 PM PST
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16 Pandaren Monk
12/09/2012 12:02 PMPosted by Tyrynna
Any one of those is fine. I haven't done the Dwarf quests so I wouldn't really know, but I particularly enjoyed the Nelf quests. It's all a matter of preference. Though Derscha's right, from a strictly RP standpoint, Humans are the alliance race who first made significant contact with the Pandaren, so those quests would thus make more sense.
I would but the human quests are fairly boring... but maybe i will...
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