A revamp of personality.

Not sure if this'd be the right place to put it or if it's the sort of thing you'd check out whilst scrolling, but i've a slight issue and i figure this'd be the place to fix it up. I want to Revamp Will's personality into something a little more serious, as i really don't like the streak he's on. Anwell and being a part of his special brand of insanity is great, but i let a little too much of that into the toon to enjoy playing him. (If you've seen me IC, i tend to float between a spiky punk and an aged historian. I'd actually like to go with the second, as Will is a character that's been around since the beginning. )

Going about that is giving me a bit of a headache, though, and i don't want to retcon the character's past events or behavior, so for the moment Will is endeavoring to keep his head down and do the grizzled vet thing without causing a commotion. Thing is, i'm not sure if that's the best way to go about it, so a little advice is what i'm asking for. You can leave a reply here or hit me up in game, and ideas would be appreciated. Ciao!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Let's but it this way. If you go with the more aged thing, you're far less likely to get shot?

*hides bow behind back*
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100 Human Warlock
I'd go with a life-altering event. Those have been known to affect change in people. It doesn't even have to involve you or another player, you could write it about a made-up NPC that Will met. Something major happens to the NPC and makes Will become more serious or take a hard look at his life.
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100 Draenei Shaman
I could turn you into a frog! thats pretty life-altering...well sometimes, it was proved earlier today that kissing a frog can restore your memory...so yeah!
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100 Human Paladin
Well, you know I enjoy Anwell even though he does cross the line at times. We have to dial back Pia from time to time when the focus drifts a bit, so it is with many characters. As suggested, I would go with the life altering event which doesn't require retconning. Having said that, I hope you don't completely bury his fun side and instead just find a balance.
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100 Human Paladin
Let's but it this way. If you go with the more aged thing, you're far less likely to get shot?

*hides bow behind back*

Phffft, he's in Pia. I imagine he's still on a not very nice list.
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89 Human Paladin
Go for a life-altering event. Anything from a really serious near-death experience to divine intervention, sky's the limit and afterwards you can adjust his personality however you see fit.
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Just for a beginning let me tell you that I like the way Will is now, even though I have not rped with him a lot.

I have had to do some strange things to my characters from time to time because I have a problem with the personality. Sometimes it is easier to tweak an existing character, and sometimes its easier to kill him off and start fresh with a new hairdo and name. Its all up to how you want to do it.

But if you are open to suggestions, whisper me in game and I can try and help with coming up with some solutions.
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