CRZ RP changes

100 Human Warlock
Due to the cross-realm zoning, it's made it difficult to continue the RP for my guild as it used to be. SO we've moved out of Darkshire & left it in the capable hands of the Night Watch.

If possible, could the editor of the RP Events thread remove the Esoteric Darkshire Cabal from the listing? Also, if the name of the guild could be changed in the HUGE listing of Rp guilds to Esoteric Darkling Cabal, that would be oodles appreciated as well :)
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91 Dwarf Death Knight
Tye end to an era... That guild will certainly be missed.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Yeah... Except the guild isn't gone, so there's nothing really to miss... We're just moving.
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100 Human Warlock
As Isiravos said there's no end, just a slightly darker change - in both RP & name ;)
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93 Night Elf Death Knight
Why the move from Darkshire? I haven't been in the zone much but I know things in GS are ugly.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
@ Darkthora,
With the cross-realm zoning, we found ourselves drowning in a flood of mostly rude people from other RP servers. I hate to sound like an "elite RPer", because I am far from it, but these people seemed as though they were attempting to RP, however, it was more like a serious train wreck. There was plenty of immaturity, and for all intents and purposes, outright trolling and griefing. They would run in and say "Any RP going on?," when it was obvious that a group of us sitting around in RP clothes, and instead of sitting with us and just going with the flow- then they would immediately run away out of the room. I was on my gnome, doing the bartender duties, and had piped up and asked "What is this RP they are asking for? An illicit drug perhaps? I do think these poor Darkshire inhabitants have seen their fair share of strife and thugs with drugs would only complicate things worse for them." Which was of course met with laughter in our vent-server. All joking aside, it was more stressful than just a few random trolls from our own server, and by the time the night was over our ignore lists were full of people from this particular server. I won't mention the server's name because there are good people on there, who don't deserve to be lumped in with the bad ones.
As a side-note, I have spoke with a friend who does a lot of RPing on this server, and she said everyone refers to Darkshire as "THAT Inn..." so by those standards, it can't be good.
We are currently looking into possibilities for a new home, in a less frequented area, and one that fits the darker theme of our guild RP.
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I agree with the majority who dislike the trollers and griefers. Not much we can do except keep complaining to Blizzard we don't like it. I think if there was a way to more directly report them and make them leave it would be nice.

Maybe if we flooded the GM's with tickets they might notice? Make sure you give them a chance if they do not leave your group alone then report them.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
I'll spare you my rants against CRZ in general.

Have you considered Surwich? It isn't as big and there's always someone griefing the dark portal, but it has atmosphere and people skip the zone to go to Outland more often than not, so you're less likely to pick up random questing/wandering griefers.

Totally not an agent of the Surwich tourism board
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100 Night Elf Hunter
@Sylviagray - I did report a few of them, mostly for language and outright rudeness. One of them came in and was quite rude, repeatedly telling us to "shut up" and listen to him, then called one of our guild members a '!@#$', then we put him on ignore and I reported him. We did give most of these people a chance who actually were trying to RP with us, and they haven't been all jerks. I do agree, I think we should fill-up blizzard's ticket in-box when incidents happen.

I had heard the purpose of CRZ is so that people get a feeling of a full server when questing and such, but there is something to be said of quality over quantity. These folks are definitely not the latter. ;)

@Kiloaeda I agree on both accounts, RP is not really my prime complaint about the CRZ either, questing, mining, herbing, other server people camping rares, etc.. CRZ is just bad. Also, we are considering Surwich. It is a nice cozy little out of the way place. :)
It does need a restaurant though, so we can give it the slogan "Surwich: Home of the Surly Sandwich" *giggles* :) kidding kidding..hahaha

**Edit: it looks like blizzard edited the name that one of the trolls called a guildmember, it began with an S and ended with a T, and its definition is a 'woman of loose morals' LOL well you get the idea..
Edited by Tarkazza on 12/19/2012 11:46 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Mage
It's sad we're being pushed out of our own realm, I chose CC for a reason now Blizz has taken my choice away from me and forced me to put up with the things I was trying to avoid. I love the community on CC and will continue to fight to promote world RP in my own way despite the difficulties CRZ has forced upon us. Please let Blizz know your opinion of how this feature has changed your enjoyment of the game, we may be a small part of the greater WoW community but our voices need to be heard.
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100 Human Warlock
@ Kiloaeda: Surwich was the first place I went to after the falling out at Darkshire. It has the right feel for our guild, and it's pretty quiet there. As Tarkazza pointed out, we loved meeting new folks & RPing with them, but with the realms meshing & story lines conflicting, not to mention the HUGE influx of griefers , it was best to move on to a different locale.

@Thorawulfe: Sadly, I believe any feedback now would fall upon deaf ears at Blizzard. There was a CRZ feedback post on the main forums when it started, and after pages upon pages of people's dislike for the feature, they took the post down. *shrug* I've written my "letter of discontent", in hopes there might be some chance that they can fix this mess they made.

Darkshire/Duskwood was always my favourite zone. Now, I don't want anything to do with it. :(
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100 Night Elf Mage
As have I my friend, the 16th thread is up and sadly there is no response. wherever you end up you know you have our support as a community.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 12/19/2012 3:14 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
12/19/2012 01:01 PMPosted by Thorawulfe
It's sad we're being pushed out of our own realm, I chose CC for a reason now Blizz has taken my choice away from me and forced me to put up with the things I was trying to avoid. I love the community on CC and will continue to fight to promote world RP in my own way despite the difficulties CRZ has forced upon us. Please let Blizz know your opinion of how this feature has changed your enjoyment of the game, we may be a small part of the greater WoW community but our voices need to be heard.

It's kind of a mixed bag. In my case for example, I do a lot of my RP in Darnassus, which was usually empty on CC. CRZ changed that. Now I can RP with MG and WRA's Night Elf communities without having to be on MG or WRA. It brings a lot of good RP, and I can see the same thing breathing life into the Exodar and Ironforge.

We will always have a realm-only Stormwind, thankfully, but my point is that while there are drawbacks, there are new opportunities too. - Though, I do think that the areas surrounding Stormwind are going to be tough from now on.
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90 Human Paladin
I think the fact that a guild has been forced out of their "established area" by a bunch of other-server trolls is ludicrous, and is damning evidence against the usefulness of CRZ. Which is not to say we don't have our own trolls - Lord knows we can't get enough of ours - but adding someone else's makes the problem worse, not better. Plus there's the matter of being crowded by other people who steal your mobs/quest items/etc. in dailies. Yes, we had deserted cities and towns and such...but they were OURS. That's the important thing.

Unfortunately, Blizzard couldn't give a damn about RPers, as we're not the ones who come in droves. The ones who come in droves are the idiots we came to this server to get away from.
Edited by Saavedro on 12/19/2012 9:25 PM PST
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Aw. I'll miss Scarlet Raven Tavern Night, even if my schedule usually precludes me from coming.

I'll have the Macro updated with the new name, but you'll need to update the blurb to go along with the new name.

EDIT: Actually, I think it does well enough as is, unless you've picked a new home for the Cabal. Take a peek in the Mark 3 thread and let me know in-game or here.
Edited by Galahn on 12/20/2012 12:54 PM PST
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100 Human Warlock

EDIT: Actually, I think it does well enough as is, unless you've picked a new home for the Cabal. Take a peek in the Mark 3 thread and let me know in-game or here.

Thanks oodles, Galahn! Just changing the name will suffice - the write up is still works :)
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