Andoranth got off the boat in Stormwind harbor along with Servane and the two knights. Morpheene and Will he thought they were called. The Haarts had attacked one of the holy guard for watching over Servane and the Darius diamond. They had gotten him as well and stashed him in an old barrow den. Fortuneately Servane and her friends had found him before it was to late. The knights had suggested that the two be brought to Stormwind, as he had not done great in keeping them away from her he had agreeed. He just hoped Servane was not still wanted in suspion of murder for her husband.
Persicution, and justice
William crossed into the Blue Recluse for the thousandth time in the last week and reasoned (not something the warrior does often) that things were improving in Stormwind, in the respect that he spent alot less time on his !@# and more time swinging his weapon- and conversely more time spent with damsels in distress. Yes, things were picking up in Stormwind, and a Tuesday night spent killing fuzzy humanoids and saving some eon old Night Elf from the clutches of dastardly warlocks could hardly be called dull. Thinking of it made the chairs in the Recluse less comfortable; he wanted to be fighting something, saving someone- hard to move on from an addiction like that. But here was pleasant company and a formality of adventure that one must observe. Peace. Stagnation. Less attractive ways to say "Sitting on your $%^". The warrior had made clear where to find him and his brother, "Morefeen", and waited anxiously for a night elf to walk through the door and bring him enemies. Or Anwell. And then things would just get exhausting.
The two elves sat in the blue recluse and Andoranth tapped his fingers on the table as the two knights gathered a few of their friends. Servane sat close to him watching the humans with a bit of a nervous expression. She had never liked crowds and being in a city full of unknown people had her ready to bolt at any time.
"What we have is a bit interesting. Seems the Haarts do not all agree on how to handle things."
He told them when they finally sat down.
"It seems that at least one of them wants to find a way to take the Darius diamond out of Servane without killing her. I rather approve of that. If we could get rid of the thing without hurting her it would be a great thing. However the grand master wants to kill her and absorb her power into the jewel so it dosen't lose its power when she looses her life. "
He steepled his fingers.
"We have two things to deal with at preasent. The Haarts persuing Servane and the Ars Magica. The former till we learn more about this little break up in the Haarts ranks we cannot do a lot about. The latter we can. I am no mage, but I know one who will be able to help us, she isn't alliance though and I know how you lot feel about the horde."
He leaned back and made a dismissive gesture with one hand.
"I don't care about your war. I don't think this elf I know of cares eaither. To busy trying to fix up Silvermoon and reclaim her title. She is smart though. Years of studying magic. Not to mention the wierd magic/mechanical things she makes. I hear you have something called the AAMS, and they work both sides of the fence as it were. Maybe they can help you find this elf."
"What is this elfs name?"
This from the female human named Sepha, at least he thought that was her name, everyone called her that.
"Her name is Malissalara Starsong. Last I heard she was studying the strange objects in Uldum. Here is what I suggest. You find a few of your people least likely to butcher this elf simply because she flies horde colors and send them down south with these AAMS people. Meanwhile I, and someone perhaps a bit less flamboyant, and bloodthirsty, then will here can go and look into this supposed break in the Haarts. If Servane is staying here Will can watch out for her, he has my full approval to murder anything that tries to hurt her, you may see it different though."
"What we have is a bit interesting. Seems the Haarts do not all agree on how to handle things."
He told them when they finally sat down.
"It seems that at least one of them wants to find a way to take the Darius diamond out of Servane without killing her. I rather approve of that. If we could get rid of the thing without hurting her it would be a great thing. However the grand master wants to kill her and absorb her power into the jewel so it dosen't lose its power when she looses her life. "
He steepled his fingers.
"We have two things to deal with at preasent. The Haarts persuing Servane and the Ars Magica. The former till we learn more about this little break up in the Haarts ranks we cannot do a lot about. The latter we can. I am no mage, but I know one who will be able to help us, she isn't alliance though and I know how you lot feel about the horde."
He leaned back and made a dismissive gesture with one hand.
"I don't care about your war. I don't think this elf I know of cares eaither. To busy trying to fix up Silvermoon and reclaim her title. She is smart though. Years of studying magic. Not to mention the wierd magic/mechanical things she makes. I hear you have something called the AAMS, and they work both sides of the fence as it were. Maybe they can help you find this elf."
"What is this elfs name?"
This from the female human named Sepha, at least he thought that was her name, everyone called her that.
"Her name is Malissalara Starsong. Last I heard she was studying the strange objects in Uldum. Here is what I suggest. You find a few of your people least likely to butcher this elf simply because she flies horde colors and send them down south with these AAMS people. Meanwhile I, and someone perhaps a bit less flamboyant, and bloodthirsty, then will here can go and look into this supposed break in the Haarts. If Servane is staying here Will can watch out for her, he has my full approval to murder anything that tries to hurt her, you may see it different though."
Will took another drink from the counter in front of Joachim with a cheerful disposition. It wasn't often he had permission to murder anyone and he meant to put that to good use.
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