Looking for bonechewer shoulderguards


I'm trying to put together the fel skin xmog set (it's a red version of what I have on essentially). I've spent more hours than I should be comfortable with leveling leatherworking, grinding consortium rep for the patters, farming fel skins and motes of shadow. I'm almost done collecting all my mats but I've run into a problem.

The shoulders. (http://www.wowhead.com/item=24699)

The shoulders are a world drop green from the mobs in Hellfire ramparts and a few odds and ends in Hellfire peninsula. I've got dozens of runs through ramps on my pally and have had no luck. So I thought I'd come to the forums.

If you have a new character that you're running through the early levels of BC and see one of these drop and want to sell it, or are farming some other odd thing in the area and come across on, I'm your elf!
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100 Human Paladin
I collect the boneshredder for pia uniforms. I'll keep an eye out for them.

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Great thanks! If I come across any boneshredder pieces I'll hang on to them as well.
The shoulders are the last piece I need, my xmog is sad :(
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100 Human Paladin
Oh, we're in decent shape, but thank you. I just often see bonechewer because I type that instead of boneshredder. I'm happy to pass them over when I find them.
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Woo! The Gods of RNG were kind to me this morning and I got my stupid shoulders. Xmog complete :D
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100 Human Paladin
rofl. I just found some on the AH and was coming here to tell you. Grats.
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