Stormwind Investigations-Journal

A thick tome of fine vellum and bound in brown leather sat in front of Sylvia as she sat at the desk in the office. She did not have much to do, boredom having set in hours ago as Malakae confined her to being a secretary in the firm.

Taking out the fine pen and ink she had bought from the inscription trainer, she set to work with neatly written and professional style. She titled the first page as Stormwind Investigations.

Noting the date and time of when they had established their business charter, she went on to list all the people so far hired into the firm.

Malakae Graves- Chief Investigator

Sean McDonald-Engineer and Officer

Rheinna Bardsley-Head Tracker

Sylvia Graystone-Secretary and Medical Expert

She left room for more to be hired and turned to a fresh page
Edited by Sylviagray on 12/21/2012 1:05 AM PST
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Reports and business logs.

Established an office in the Cathedral District, next to the City Watch and Census Bureau.

First case: Missing dwarf, one Barl Thunderbeard. Reported missing by Nakilla, draenei shaman. The missing dwarf was found by the team of Malakai and Rheine. Rescue was performed and said dwarf was returned to Iron Forge. Sum of one hundred gold was collected and added to the firms coffers.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((I apologize for bringing an OOC question into an IC post, first off.

Is Stormwind Investigations a private firm or a quasi-public branch of the Stormwind Guard?))
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We are a private investigation firm. We are willing to work with Stormwind City Guard at any time. This was set up as a way to bring a forum thread to in game rp. Of course we had to change a few things to get it to work in game.

We welcome odd jobs like escort duty, investigating crimes that fall out of the Guards territory, or anything having to do with a threat to Alliance security. We are very small, only a few members. The key focus is on rp.

We don't do a lot of recruiting mainly because it is difficult to bring in a new and intense rp to the community without stepping on established toes. Selected individuals who have an interest in mystery and suspense may apply. Speak to me or Malakae or Mcdonald to set up an interview.

We have a story we are playing out and have a few people helping, but are always welcoming good rpers to join in.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
We are a private investigation firm. We are willing to work with Stormwind City Guard at any time. This was set up as a way to bring a forum thread to in game rp. Of course we had to change a few things to get it to work in game.

We welcome odd jobs like escort duty, investigating crimes that fall out of the Guards territory, or anything having to do with a threat to Alliance security. We are very small, only a few members. The key focus is on rp.

We don't do a lot of recruiting mainly because it is difficult to bring in a new and intense rp to the community without stepping on established toes. Selected individuals who have an interest in mystery and suspense may apply. Speak to me or Malakae or Mcdonald to set up an interview.

We have a story we are playing out and have a few people helping, but are always welcoming good rpers to join in.

((I may have to come over and introduce myself some time. I wouldn't be able to join of course, but being a Warden, I may have some tasks for you. :) ))
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Always welcome. Best to send in game mail to me to set up a time. Thanks!
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