What is and is not Lore Breaking?

100 Night Elf Rogue
I wanted to discuss this in a separate thread rather than the last one because of how charged the last one was already getting. I've seen a general misunderstanding as to what lore breaking is before, and I've been seeing it in this server as well. This misunderstanding indeed serves no one and can drive a community apart, so I started this thread to share my thoughts on what lore breaking is and is not, and to invite constructive discussion - discussion which I ask that we keep civil.

Two Extremes
Once when I was just starting out, I had a character who wanted to seek out the house of nobles. A human and a gnome politely informed me that the house of nobles had been swept away, and proceeded to go into the politics of this other ruling body which had its hands in everything called the Imperium. I learned about this council, the nuances of their politics, etc., all the while thinking that I had somehow missed this gigantic piece of Warcraft lore, frantically searching WoWwiki (there was no wowpedia at the time) to find it.

Obviously, I couldn't, because the Imperium didn't exist in Warcraft's lore.

Creative license like that is the place of fanfiction, but in RP, we all have to play within the same world to avoid confusion and to prevent barriers from being put up to RP. Of course, some take it to such an extreme that legitimate concepts are tossed out because they're odd. I saw this occur on another server in Darnassus, quite frequently, where it was argued that there is no way, at all, that a Night Elf could become an accountant. I conceded to them that it was odd, but I figure that if in my state, you can become a CPA in as little as five years, there's no reason why a Night Elf shouldn't be able to learn Azeroth's undeveloped version of the profession in the span of 10.

That's the other side of the problem. We are given license with extreme possibility. It IS possible to be a half human, quarter orc, quarter draenei. We even have one in the lore! But as you probably inferred from the heading, this is the other extreme.

Our understanding of what is and what isn't lore breaking must avoid both.

You weren't getting out of this thread without an accounting discussion.

A set of general purpose financial statements exists to give stakeholders an honest view as to what's going on financially inside the company. It gives them enough to calculate ratios, understand how the segments are doing, and has a small book's worth of notes, analyses, and tables. I've seen 10-Ks that got to over a hundred pages long. There's even a website called "Footnoted", which finds quirky little facts that companies tried to bury in the notes to the financial statements. With new disclosure requirements and FASB pronouncements coming out each year, expect even more disclosure, but know that they will still provide only a bird's eye view.

General purpose financial statements cannot hope to tell you about every transaction that GE engaged in over the year. They can't even list all of GE's subsidiaries without leaving investors lost and confused in the mire. You're not going to learn about every event, every middle management shakeup, and every hire. Instead you're looking down from space, seeing amounts like "Cost of Goods Sold" and "Short Term Debt" mostly in aggregates. Some amounts are even left out so long as they don't exceed a certain threshold in aggregate.

The concept behind this is materiality, and we use it because it would be silly to go down to that level of detail. It's the same concept that any writer of a large world has to face. Blizzard can't tell us about every small organization, every deviant individual, or every interaction that goes on in the ordinary lives of citizens, they give us a bird's eye view instead.

The Big DM
Blizzard's realm of operation is important because they are as much of a party in this as any of us, albeit a somewhat passive one. They have the sole power to change material facts, and might be seen as a big DM. They created the sandbox, picked the equipment, chose the sand, and gave us this environment to work with. If they decide to move the monkey bars to the other side, so be it. But we as RPers can't do that. We have control of the immaterial. Not exclusive control, but control. We can create our characters, we can create side characters and "NPC" support characters. We can do heroic deeds and run organizations. I could open a bakery somewhere in Stormwind, befriend a gnome and name him bubbles. So long as I'm not altering material facts.

<continued.... the thing hit submit before I wanted to.>
Edited by Kyalin on 12/29/2012 3:54 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
The Role of the Auditor
Now that we understand the RPer's responsibility, it is important to come back and understand what someone should and should not do when they see lore breaking. I finish out the accounting metaphor with the understanding of the role of an auditor. Every public company and many private companies have to call in these people to look over their books to ensure that their financial statements are materially fairly stated. This differs from fraud examination though. For one, an audit is inherently not designed to detect fraud, (though, for matter of good reference, it remains the auditor's responsibility to detect fraud) and two, it has a different objective. The point of a fraud investigation is to affix blame. The point of an audit is to ensure that financial statements are materially fairly stated.

This is a significant difference, and one that RPers who find themselves in the role of an auditor seem to forget. If an auditor finds a deviation from generally accepted accounting principles, a material error or otherwise, they would provide the management with a suggested adjustment to correct the error. This is what RPers who find themselves in this role should do. They do not storm into the CEO's office and call them a liar and a cheat without having all of the facts, which is regrettably what some RPers, in the name of keeping lore, in fact do.

If you find yourself playing with someone who has broken the lore, I ask that you give gentle suggestions with an aim to helping the character. This server is usually fairly good about that and I don't see the opposite often here, but do be careful not to slam the door in the person's face because of minor deviations.

Should they decide to keep the deviation, ask yourself if the deviation is really material. Would the story really be affected, and is this really outside the realm of possibility. Otherwise, just like an auditor when faced with such a situation. You walk away from the engagement.

Granted, I don't believe that walking away from the engagement is a favorable solution, for either party. Yes, it's true that not everyone is going to get along, but even so, this is one of the issues with lore breaking. It helps to separate the community into separate communities with their own continuities, and with barriers to entry. We should try to be as inclusive as we can, and that's really the point of having a common set of lore. Ensuring that we follow it is not a matter of squashing creativity, because there's room for plenty of it within the realm of the immaterial, but it is about ensuring that RP is open and fluid. I can't really connect to you if I have to work through an Imperium while Blizzard's telling me that actually no, the House of Nobles does exist.

Sorry if it was long-winded, and do add comments and show me where you think I've gone wrong, but I do hope that this was helpful to dispelling some of the ongoing confusion.
Edited by Kyalin on 12/29/2012 9:14 AM PST
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Eloquent and informative, and a touch geeky. But above all else, spot on accurate. Thank you for giving me something to think about, and the proper words to explain these concepts to the guild.

And for the course on accounting! :D
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Eloquent and informative, and a touch geeky. But above all else, spot on accurate. Thank you for giving me something to think about, and the proper words to explain these concepts to the guild.

And for the course on accounting! :D

*Nods* Good Accounting is important


Always foot your balances!
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90 Blood Elf Monk
I largely agree.

Basically, it all comes down to presentation - you and I certainly agree that the community needs to operate more or less within the bounds of lore, otherwise you get fringe guilds that don't RP with anyone else and it's a rather unhealthy habit for a server to pick up. I've tried to explain this before, but I tend to get wordy and distracted and rambly, and you put it rather well.

It's also the difference between laughing at someone's ideas versus telling them why that won't work in WoW and offering a similar suggestion that might, which seems to be what sparked the other thread in the first place.
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100 Human Paladin
Common sense goes a long way.
Edited by Gentyl on 12/30/2012 2:17 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Yet another excellent write-up from Kyalin. Cheers, boss!
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100 Night Elf Mage
Sigh, I did post on the other thread and wish I'd seen this one first ah well. Very well said Kyalin and thank you.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
12/31/2012 10:19 AMPosted by Thorawulfe
Sigh, I did post on the other thread and wish I'd seen this one first ah well. Very well said Kyalin and thank you.

Well, I think that your points also stand independently in the other thread and addressed a few things that I did not. Your point that a story with many different threads is stronger than one that tries to stand on its own resonated in particular with me, so thank you!
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90 Draenei Hunter
Putting your character into wow lore has always seemed pretty tricky more so in the event that you want to tie your character into some rather large event that occured prior to World of Warcraft. That is not to say it cant be done but I agree that to totaly create an alternate storyline that goes away from the established backdrop of the world is not the way to go. That said, I am not much of an RPer, I just enjoy watching it happen and reading what people write so to that end I am a bit of a lore stickler, specially if you try to rewrite the established background. lol
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86 Worgen Druid
Eloquent and informative, and a touch geeky. But above all else, spot on accurate. Thank you for giving me something to think about, and the proper words to explain these concepts to the guild.

And for the course on accounting! :D

*Nods* Good Accounting is important


Always foot your balances!

And Balance the books!
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