Stormwind City Watch Charity Event!

100 Human Warrior
((This notice is posted on message boards all across the kingdom.))

Winter Veil's Greetings, Citizens!

In order to help our most needy residents at a time of year that should be filled with plenty and joy, the Stormwind Watch has undertaken a month long collection of useful items, including clothing, tools, and bags. On the 23rd of the month, starting at 5pm on the steps of the Cathedral in Stormwind proper, the Watch will distribute these items until either our supply is depleted, or there are no more people in line to receive these gifts.

The men and women of the Watch are happy to be able to provide this special service to our community, and hope that it is able to improve the lot of many of our fellow citizens this holiday season.

Posted by the order of Lieutenant Commander Orwyn,
Commander, Stormwind Watch

((The guild has been collecting items and bags for characters level 40 and under and will be giving them out until we run out - and we have a lot! Bring your alts; bring your mains; tell your friends! We *will* be handing these things out IC though, so be prepared to RP for your free stuff!

Happy holidays from the Stormwind City Watch!))
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72 Gnome Warlock
Watch Brutality!

((What a wonderful thing to do both OOC & IC - I won't be able to make/disrupt it [drats, this would be so fun] so here's wishing ya'll a Merry Winterfest! Go Watch!))
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70 Gnome Priest
I will donate some armor and bags on behalf of Far Reaches Imports.
Edited by Pakvora on 12/20/2012 12:44 AM PST
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70 Gnome Priest
((There are things waiting for you in your mailbox Orwyn, please let me know if you need more.))
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100 Human Warrior
((Got it; thank you so much Pakvora!

We have so much to give away, what we really need now is just a lot of people to show up! We'll even give away things to non-RPers if they come out and try to RP long enough to get an item. :D
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100 Night Elf Priest
Orwyn, I sent you a few Herb Bags. I will make more tomorrow.
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100 Human Warrior
((This event is TODAY at 5pm, on the steps of the Cathedral. We have a tremendous amount of stuff to give away, so I hope many people come out to take advantage of it!))
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