Explosions and Gas

100 Undead Warrior
The latest batch of experiments using infused elf angst and the mojo of trolls was not proceeding well, Abominus noted as he flew through the air, crashing against the stone walls of his laboratory complex deep in the bowels of the Undercity's Apothecariam. At least this time, the gas he was endouving to create did not escape and attack random passersby, though it was acting odd.

"Why do you twissst and turn upon yourssself ssso, gasss, why, yesss?"

The cloud of greenish vapour churned fiercely at his comment, and the skeleton of a rat dropped out. Then, the gas slowly dissipated, an evil chuckle fading away into the aether.

"Hmm, we need to get more Fleem Gasss for the next experiment, yesss. Elf-thingsss and their mana-bombsss, yesss! PHAGH!" Abominus spits on the floor, with the phlegm immediately trying to escape, leaving acidic trails in the stonework.

"We will ssshow tem, yesss! A Flesssh Devouring Sssentient Gasss will do the trick, and the target, of courssse, will be the Alliance, yesss...."

Cackling, Abominus went back to work. Messages would be sent to AAMS to procure the dangerous and insensitive Fleem gas from the gobbo-thing factory. He would need more angst soon, though.
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100 Human Paladin
Pia had been gathering more intelligence. Their horde operative had disappeared, but a new one had appeared recently. As with any new agent, they tried to ease them into operations, testing their strengths and weaknesses as well as, she hated to admit it, loyalty.

This latest horde agent was a puzzle. She couldn't decide if he was brilliant or he thought she was so stupid as to believe anything. She read the report again.

Abominus was being hired as a wedding consultant and he was creating sentient, hostile gases? Well, given his maggot-ridden digestive system he probably did create a lot of gas, but sentient?
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