Northern Lights.

21 Human Rogue
The captain looked out over the deck of his ship and sighed. They were still far enough north that his breath fogged in the chill air. The grey overcast day did not help his mood eaither. Having to send letters home to sailors families when they died was never a good thing. To top it off this time he had two letters to send. Even if he was a merchantman and not a warship accidents happened on occasion. This trip appeared to be one of those occasions.

The trade route between Stormwind and the Borean Tundra was very profitable. Not as profitable as it was during the war with the Lich King, but still quite good given the new wave of pioneers heading up there to establish new towns in the cleared out areas. Some of his sailors were part of those very families who had went north to seek their fortunes and found them with him.

Davidson his look out had been found a few days ago in the crows nest. He had been frozen solid. Apprently the man had gone up for night watch with his favorite whiskey to keep him warm and it had caused him to pass out and freeze to death. Morning watch had found the poor man up there and had to carry him down, no easy feat as he had been utterly solid. The look on his face had been one of blissful contentment, apprently he had not suffered any.

He scratched his beard absently as he watched his one passenger come up on deck. A mousey little thing he had picked up in port. Apparently heading back south to visit family. His mind turned from her to Trevor. A gunnery captain found lieing on one of his cannons, a nearby porthole open just enough to let the cold air in and freeze the poor man, it was in fact this very cold air that had alerted the crew to the open hatch, one that had been open all night. The cold had apprently seeped into the man deepening his slumber, til he never woke up.

Once again the mans eyes drifted to the ghost like girl who stood at the rail looking out at the water. Her white hair tucked into her hood, though a few strands peeked out. She could not be all that old, a late teenager at most. The captain pursed his lips. He needed to make sure he stayed warm at night and of course had to make sure his passenger arrived in good health, it was just good buissness.

Rhiminee looked up as the much older man approached her.

"Good evening captain."

She said to him in her quiet voice as he approched her.

"I feel so sorry about those poor men. Are we safe? Will we all freeze?"

He put on a disarming smile.

"My dear passenger we will all make it back just fine. Those men died to mistakes on their part. That is part of what I wanted to talk to you about. My room has a gnomish heating unit and I would like to invite you to share it. If you would join me at dinner tonight?"

The girl looked a bit aprehensive.

"It's true you have been so nice to me, but would that be proper? To be in your room alone with you?"

He nodded once.

"We are just having a meal together, and making sure you are warm for the night when you return to your own rooms."

She tilted her head studying him with those eyes the same color as the sky around them.

"Very well. I will come at dinnertime then."

The captain smiled and went to his room to prepare. The girl was obviously some pioneers daughter who before the trip up north had never been more then a legue or two from home. It would be easy enough to talk her into a kiss or two, and maybe more then just that gnomish contraption warming her she could warm his bed.

Time passed and as the sun started to set the girl arrived. The captain blinked at her. She had always worn that cloak that covered her almost head to foot, but now he saw her in a normal peasants dress of blue and white. Her hair hanging down to her shoulders. Her grey eyes a bit worried. He put her at ease with witty conversation. She seemed to pick at her meal and the captain despaired a bit. while there were no true luxeries on the ship he had the best there was prepared for this meal.

As the conversation lagged he watched her go and look out a porthole at the somewhat stormy sea. The eaves as grey as the skies moving about under the ship. She put her arms around herself and shivered a bit. Sensing his oppertunity he walked over to her and put his arms around her. She stiffened a bit and then relaxed. He turned her about and she looked up at him with almost childlike curiosity. He could feel the pull to her and slowly leaned his head down when she put a hand on his chest.

"You really mustn't. It would not be proper. What would your wife think?"
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21 Human Rogue
He paused a moment.

"She won't think anything because I won't tell her. It is just one kiss. I am sure it will stop your shivering."

She seemed torn, but paused a moment then looked up at him.

"Just one?"

He nodded and leaned down his eyes closing as his lips met hers. Her arms slipped about his neck. As he kissed this innocent creature his mind spun with the things he might be teaching her that night. As the kiss lingered he noticed he was not getting warmer, but she was. Surely such a wonderful creature would warm his blood. He was getting colder and colder, and actually started to shake. His thoughts left this delicate woman in his arms, he opened his eyes to see where the draft was coming from and saw something about his companion.

Her eyes were open.

She looked at him with not the cloudy grey eyes that had haunted his thoughts seince she had arrived on his ship but silver ones like pools of quicksilver. He could feel the warmth draining out of him through her kiss, her cheeks quite flush by now. He tried to pull back but her arms were locked about his neck. Her grip to strong, his mind raced. How could someone so small be so strong?

His sight started to dim and she finally let go of him. Placing a soft palm against his cheek.

"I would like to thank you again for being so nice to me captain. I will never forget your gift."

The last of the warmth in the mans body flowed through her hand and into her as the man toppled over backwards. Solid as the iceburgs that littered the northern seas. She flexed her hand and smiled. She picked up the captain and tucked him into his bed, ran a hand through her hair and made her way above decks.

Two merchants gossiped in the streets of Stormwind.

"It was just found Ith. The Northern Lights was adrift at sea for almost six weeks before it was found. The poor fools apprently did not check their heating units and all froze to death. All sixty men were solid as Northrend soil."

The man called Ith just shook his head. The men had brought it on themselves not checking their equipment, but still it was a horrid way to die. As he walked and listened to his companion he noticed a young girl in a grey cloak that covered all but her shoes, the hood up. He stopped by his carriage. The girl acted like she was lost.


He called to her. She glanced over to him and walked over. Ith blinked. She was quite pale and fair. Her eyes like stormclouds. She stopped in front of him and looked up.

"Yes Sir?"

"You look lost miss, can I help you? Find an inn perhaps?"

The girl shook her head.

"I have no money, just some pretty rocks my father gave me before he died. He was a soldier."

Ith tilted his head.

"Pretty rocks?"

The girl took out a small pouch and poured out several finly cut sapphires and daimonds. Apprently the girls father had been part of the army in recent raids and left the girl a fortune and she did not realise it. He had made thousands of gold of of ignorant peasants like her.

He smiled.

"Well my dear. I like the way those sparkle. I can let you stay at my house for them if you want? We shall talk and get to know one another perhaps, you can tell me of your family."

She touched a finger to her lips and paused. Such an innocent gesture. Those gems were as good as his!

"Just for rocks? Are you sure?"

"Quite sure my dear. Why don't you get into my carriage? Just step up. There is a good girl."
As the man was so occupied with the wealth of this innocent little lamb and she was facing away from him he did not see the small smile on her face as she stepped up into the carriage, or the grey eyes turn the color of quicksilver.
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21 Human Rogue
(I felt somewhat verbose with this new alt. I hope the story was enjoyed.)
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100 Human Paladin
Very nice indeed. Thank you for sharing this. *salute
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Quite enjoyed reading this but hope I never meet you on the street.
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21 Human Rogue
Speaking of meeting me on the street how are the meta rpers here? Some people are going to read this and see me in game and somehow know what she did, when she left no witnesses. Know she is not quite as human as she appears to be when the only difference between her and other humans is the way she eats and her body temp is a touch lower then theirs. I just do not want to go into Stormwind and get the hold unholy creature I shall remove your evil taint bit like has happened on other servers, btw she isn't even evil, she is fairly neutral actually...
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