Does this guild exist on CC?

65 Draenei Death Knight
Hello! I'm having terrible luck finding a guild and I'm pretty sure the problem is I'm too picky. But before I give up hope and trim my list of demands. I'm looking at other servers as well.

This is what I'm looking for:

Class or super strict alignment. Good/natural is where I tend to fall, so if there's a guild that fits everything but that this rule, I might be game.

No race restrictions. The exceptions to this are Draenei, Blood Elf, and Goblin guilds.

As CC is more event driven I don't care so much about guild events. But I want the kind of guild where someone goes "I'm at this location. Who wants to come RP?" on a fairly regular basis.

Makes an effort to get to know its members.

Somewhat alt friendly.

I am willing to go with any theme or faction I will role a new character and level it as a main if I can find a guild like this.

If you know of any guild that fits this, please let me know. Thank you!
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90 Human Mage
Alignment guilds? There are quite a few.

Stormwind Watch is obviously very good, not very tolerant of evil
Pia Presidium is a Holy Order
Luchduu Ochiliad is the personal army of a robber baron, not so good, but very aligned in their own way

This is just off the top of my head, I am sure there will be others chiming in
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100 Human Paladin
The Chimaera is good-aligned and oriented toward RP-PvP. We don't do evil or atrocious acts, not under any circumstances. Don't let the black armor fool you.

We have no race restrictions, although much of our RP is focused on Kalimdor.

You can usually find at least one of us hanging around Darnassus unless there's a realm event going on, or you can always just say something to initiate some RP. Being smallish, we try to accommodate everyone as much as possible, and we let everyone know if there's some RP happening.

We are very alt-friendly, to include help with leveling tradeskills and gear and any other facet of the game you're interested in (except raiding, obviously, but that's not our focus right now). If you get in a bind, there's usually someone who can drop everything and come a-runnin' to bail you out. We have all of the tradeskills covered to cap with most of the patterns learned, so if you need something made, we can usually cover ya--and you can also level any skills you like.

And we're level 23, so we have a lot of really good perks and heirlooms available. (We have a guild banner that grants the 5% bonus on rep and honor and good stuff like that, and we're very close to the 15% one, too.)

IIRC, we have a standing no-warlocks policy, and admit DKs on a very limited basis, but the other classes are wide open.

Kyalin's our leader; you'll want to contact her, Eldrian, or possibly me if you're interested in an IC interview.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Gambit's alignment kinda falls into chaotic good to chaotic neutral, though we're loose about it. Lawfuls usually don't fit with us, and our various members only occasionally drift from neutral to evil...


Goal-wise, we aim to stop the war between Alliance and Horde, mostly by breaking things, drinking, and humiliating each-other in Truth-or-Dare matches. we accept just about anyone with a like mind and some good fists/swords/spells/anything.

If you're at all interested, ring me or Belpha up, or pop into the GambitOOC channel. (Or StormreaverOOC, if you swing that way. We have a horde branch too!)
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100 Human Paladin
Pia Presidium might be of interest. As stated, we are the Holy Guards, think Templar Knights with a sense of humor.

We don't have warlocks and we look closely at death knights, but there are no race restrictions. We're pretty active rp wise and we like to promote a lot of things to get people involved. We're definitely alt friendly, support player crafts etc.

There are a lot of good guilds on both sides of the fence. I hope you take a look at us.
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90 Human Priest
I have been hanging out with Pia for a bit and they are a pretty good crew to be with. I am assuming that everyone else is pretty good as well. A little sad about the Warlocks as I was planning on making one tho :(
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I apologize for not being on, first of all. I'm on my last semester and busy season will be upon us soon, so you can expect to see me online during the weekends.

Galeas pretty much covered most of what there is to say about the Chimaera. We focus on the Western Alliance, and are not race restricted. For Theramore, Thal'darah, and everywhere in-between, we intend to give the Horde their war. This means that we cultivate a variety of themes, and I particularly want to focus on Draenei and Worgen-themed events going forward, after the Lunar Festival of course.

As for the server, yes, we are event driven. Just about every day there is an event of some sort going on, and advertisements for it in the OOC channel. That's really what sets us apart and makes CC a good destination server, especially considering that you can still get the random RP fairly reliably through Cross-Realm Zones.
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