[H-RP] The Great Shindig

90 Undead Mage
What: A Shindig, a Party, a Broo-Ha-Ha
When: January 31st
Time: 5:30 pm Server Time
Where: Gallywix Pleasure Palace (Azshara)
Who: Horde

That's right Cenarion Circle! We're having a good 'ol fashioned Shindig!

But this isn't your dad's Shindig! What else can you do besides mingle?

-Swim in Gallywix's Pool
-Take a dip in his luxurious hot tub
-Get plastered at the full-service bar!
-Get steamed in a state-of-the-art sauna
-Display your skills on the grenade golf course
-Get hammered at the full-service bar!
-Get wasted in our drinking contest!
-Enjoy Blastheavy's Firework display! (Fireworks being graciously provided by Aradela)

Want to come and enjoy the party? Great! The more the merrier.

Want to lend a hand?
Here's what we need:
-Food (Helpers: Theiel)
-Drinks (Helpers: None)
-Servers (Helpers: None)

We need people to provide food and drinks. We also need a few people to distribute said snacks and beverages. We are also currently in need of some source of entertainment other than the awesome amenities we already have on-location. This includes but is not limited to: a magic show, a dance-off, synchronized swimming contest, etc.

Come on down and have some fun, and tell your friends!
Edited by Vernim on 1/19/2013 8:10 PM PST
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90 Undead Mage
Still looking for helpers. :)

I also created an in-game calender event for this. Whisper me in-game, ask here, or ask in Horde OOC for me for an invite.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I do believe I've been helperitized. Someone slap me and make sure the fireworks don't fall asleep?
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90 Undead Mage
This is tomorrow! Come on down and get your party on.
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90 Undead Mage
This is today!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((I hope this event went well and I wish I had been able to stop by. Thank you so much for attending the market and making it a success! Next time you have a party I'll be sure to bring the fun ;) ))
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90 Undead Mage
01/31/2013 08:53 PMPosted by Erylyn
((I hope this event went well and I wish I had been able to stop by. Thank you so much for attending the market and making it a success! Next time you have a party I'll be sure to bring the fun ;) ))

It did go well. We started with booze, then went to the pool and did some diving with more booze. At one point we had five orcas in the pool. Then we had a drinking contest which Tazjiin won (he was the underdog IMO). Then Azurick and I stumbled Taz over to the Market so Sir Charles could purchase some postage stamps.
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100 Night Elf Mage
So sorry I missed this, would so of hopped on my Hordie to come check this out.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((Glad to hear both events went well! Sorry I couldn't bring the Staircase-ing to the party! :/))

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