Spring Festival 2013 -Ally side this weekend!

100 Human Paladin
On behalf of Yotingo, the Spring Festival will continue!

Two weekends of RP events to celebrate our roleplay community and our marvelous guilds! All are welcome! Let's show our Cenarion Circle pride.

March 15-17 Alliance
March 22-24 Horde

Location TBD

If you need transport, just join the allianceooc/hordeooc channel on the day and request a summon!

Want to run an event? Just let us know (see below) with the date and time you'd like to do it, and details of the event. Please let us know if this is a guild-sponsored event so we can give the appropriate credit.

Want to turn up to represent your guild and/or recruit? Just come along and turn up.
Want to advertise your wares and run an IC stall or shop? Just turn up on the day and find space.

Alliance - Genevra/Madalynne/Thomason
Horde - TheShift/Shadellius
Or just post here!
Edited by Genevra on 3/14/2013 8:52 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Alliance Events:

March 15
    Wellspring School - 7pm "Spring to Life" The idea is to host it kind of like a science fair, where people set up at their stations and present to whoever walks by, and then halfway through the event we switch, and another set of people hosts and the previous presenters can become part of the audience. So far, we have a presenter who will teach about animal rescue, and another who will talk about the life of the earth and sell jewelcrafting creations. We're welcoming anybody who wants to help!.

    Wollerton Stead - Stormwind

March 16
    Stormwind City Watch

    Aloom's Riddles - 4-6pm server us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8088129195

March 17
    Conclave's Search for Knowledge Scavenger Hunt 4pm Location is still TBD

Horde Events:

March 22

March 23
    Homeland - Feast of Sen Pad'rek

March 24
    MAGI TBA event

Other events for both sides: TBA and include Fortune Telling and other such fun.
Edited by Genevra on 3/14/2013 3:54 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Bump! Some event updates, slots are still available!
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100 Human Paladin
Pia will sponsor at least one event. I don't want to take away anything from anyone else. Just let us know what you want/need. We'll also sponsor prizes if needed.

Tom's been wanting to do a tourney style event.
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100 Human Paladin
I'll get in touch with Tom this week about that event.

And le Bump!
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100 Human Paladin
Bump! Alliance side is this weekend! There is also a tournament style event to be added ally side once the details are fleshed out.

This is a great opportunity to come out, roleplay, interact with folks, and to win some great prizes! Everything from pets, to rare tmog gear and gold!
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100 Night Elf Priest
Genevra, if you need any help with prizes please let me know.
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