Too Gnomish-to-Bear

90 Gnome Death Knight
Brother Johavan ushered the cheerful gnomess into the library receiving room, a small room in neutral, natural colors (greens and browns, mostly), with two overstuffed leather chairs by the room’s one window, a small reception desk and chair in the room’s center, and two floor-to-ceiling bookcases against the two other walls. ((ooc, if there is already a library receiving room or Conclave minds me creating one, I apologize for taking license & will send carpenter’s in to dismantle the room post haste))

“I haven’t seen anyone of the Conclave this morning, but you are welcome to look around for the book. I’ll spread the word you are here and should one of the Conclave librarians arrive, I or one of the other brothers will send them directly in to you.

I’ll also leave a note that you were here and looking for the Gnome-Bear Translation Dictionary, just in case you don’t find it. To double check, you said your name was Spriggel Lockbolten?”

He paused for her answer, looking up from the note he was writing at the desk, and saw her distractedly nod as she scanned the two large bookcases, with ladders, in the room.
Accustomed to distracted, single-minded scholars, Brother Johavan jotted down her details and set it in the Inbox atop the small room’s lone desk.

The gnomess’ cheerfulness was contagious and Brother Johavan found himself with a wide smile and a jaunty tune jingling in his head, as he left the gnomess to it and headed back to his own duties elsewhere in the Abbey. Like the common cold, the AAMS jingle swept quickly through the Abbey, infecting tone-deaf and not, alike.
Edited by Spriggel on 1/19/2013 11:22 AM PST
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Meanwhile Spriggel wandered back and forth and forth and back between the two bookcases and up and down and down and up their ladders.
There was no apparent order to the books, in her mind, so she spent an hour growing more and more frustrated.
“I could search around here FOREVER,” Spriggel shook her head in exasperation; “I guess if I am to have any chance, I will just have to straighten out what they have so haphazardly tossed together here.”

Having settled on a course of action that would eventually lead to success, Spriggel’s mood instantly improved and she found herself again humming the AAMS jingle to herself as she cleaned off the desk, sorting thru the papers and materials on it, and dropping them into the “sensible” desk drawers that one would just “expect” to find them.

Once she had a clear desk top to work with, she removed all the books from the top shelf of the first bookcase, sorting them into color stacks on the desk, and then began running back and forth from shelf to shelf, bookcase to bookcase, setting red covered books on the topmost shelf, yellow ones on the next, and continuing in like fashion, until, after several hours she had both bookcases suitably in order.

But, not terribly happy with the colors being spread across both book cases, Spriggel then spent another hour setting half of each color in each bookcase so that, in the end, there were two (!) rainbow bookcases in the room. “Oh yes, much better,” she declared sitting down in one of the chairs by the window to admire her handy work.
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Getting up from the comfortable, but human-sized and overstuffed chair with some difficulty, she ran her finger along the spines of the green books, first on one bookcase and then the other (for gnome’s language & other green themed subject matters), –

although looking at Northrend Fauna Anatomy, Spriggel was not quite sure the publisher should have put THAT subject matter in a GREEN cover; really, who would think to look in green, instead of the obvious red, for THAT title—

and then doing the same with the browns (for bear’s), Spriggel regretfully concluded that the Gnome-Bear Translation Dictionary, understandably quite popular, was checked out at this time.

She spent several minutes, digging thru the desk’s few drawers looking for check-out records, leaving piles of stuff back on top of the desk, but with no luck. “I guess I will just have to find one of those Conclavian Librarians and get my name added to the list of “next-to-check-out” for this popular reference book."

Spriggel took one last satisfied look about the room (as her mother had taught her, one should always leave a place the way you found it. Or better. Two well organized bookcases and a well-used (aka cluttered) desk; all was as it should be) and headed back to her office in Ironforge, catching another brother on her way out to be sure that a message would be delivered to a Conclavian Librarian that she was still interested in checking out the dictionary.
Edited by Spriggel on 1/19/2013 11:26 AM PST
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90 Gnome Death Knight
((ooc note: Spriggel did not realize that this was only a reception room and not the FULL library, so only the contents of these 2 bookcases were spriggelated. Praise be to the Light, that she had neither the knowledge of nor time to "organize" the entire Conclave collection. You're welcome? *giggle*))
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100 Human Paladin
Genevra returned to the Abbey, her daughter Daisy following closely at her side, babbling in that way that toddlers did, a couple of the words were audible, "cat" and "what" being the few that were discernible. The Abbey was filled with those who were coming and coming, as was usual, and those who were there searching. As they walked into the entry room, Daisy immediately ran to the nearest rainbowed bookcase, her brown eyes alight with a child's joy. Daisy reached up and pulled down the nearest book, a blue one.

The priestess turned paladin couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, it was the little things in life, like imagining Penny, Goggles and Tahlyn trying to get the books back in their former order. It was going to be an interesting day.

"Come along now Daisy, we've got to find out whose behind this." The little one had been taught to look at books, but could not yet ascertain the meaning of the strange letters on the pages, nonetheless she turned the pages of the blue book quickly.

Genevra searched the desk, suppressing a smile as everything was out of place before she came upon the note from Brother Johavan, "Ah yes, Spriggel...." She paused, trying to recall the place of the newly written dictionary, "Derscha must have her hands full with that one."
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