/ginvites <you>

We are looking for:
1 Healer (Druid, monk or paladin)
1 Tank (Paladin, DK or Warrior)

We raid Fri/Sat 5-9 ST.

6/6 MSV, 2/6 HoF.

Looking for someone near and familiar with the content.

We run 2 healer for most fights, so a healer would need to be able to rise up to the challenge.

I really, really hate writing these damn recruitment posts.

Anyway, I think I told you what you really need to know.

If you are interested, or you want to hit me up for some knowledge..

Realid = john_hi_1134@ hotmail.com (Remove the space!)
In-game = Jcel

Too good to talk to me? Try our..:
2nd Lady = Bellafina/Lumibell
Queen Butt = Ascaris
King Butt/One Ball = Snorlax
Biggest scrub on the server = Barthas/Karwisch