Looking for a raid group..

97 Orc Warrior
So.. I'm in a conundrum...

My work hours are shift based, and as thus, I work 2 weeks of nights, followed by 2 weeks of Days. 6 to 3:30, and 3:30 to 3:30 AM respectively.

But, I wish to partake in raiding. I'm a fury warrior that has been a serious raider before.

See: Symmasris, Blood Death Knight Tank, during ICC.

If any groups don't require me to join their guild, and are able to work with these hours, I'd love to have a talk, and see if we are able to work something out.

For my schedual, this is my second week of nights right now, and next 2 weeks are days. I generally work Mon-Fri, and sometimes Sat 6-3:30.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Orc Warriors = good eats!

Come raid with Ragefang.

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97 Orc Warrior
Sure Rage, I could always do with a good worgen burger.
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100 Human Paladin
Aethelgyth, Wayfarer's Coterie might have a spot. I don't know. They are good people.
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