New event: The Midnight Market

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Flyers on decorative parchment hang around the Horde cities and towns of Azeroth.

“We are proud to announce the opening of The Midnight Market. All traders, craftsmen, artisans, buyers, and purveyors of fine goods are welcome to attend. Every fortnight, beginning this Thursday, merchants from around Azeroth will gather together between the sixth and seventh hour in Thunder Bluff to showcase their talents. Please feel free to browse, shop, and bargain your way through our market. No one will leave empty handed.

If you are interested in selling your own wares, feel free to contact myself or the mage Ezrae, to secure yourself a booth. We look forward to providing you with the finest goods that Azeroth can provide. Al diel shala.

~Erylyn “

(( Starting Thursday Janurary 31st, we will be hosting a bi-weekly event known as ‘the Midnight Market’ held at the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff. This event will start at 6:30 pm server time and will last until the last customer leaves. This event is open to any and all characters, any moral persuasion, etc. We want to encourage more open RP within the community and give our characters an IC reason to have those professions! Feel free to bring all level items geared towards RP, transmog sets, even higher end gear. We’re hoping to have bags and low level goods for alts that may need gearing, mats for sale for those who hate farming them, and other pieces of crafted gear. I personally will be providing anyone with glyphs free of charge as my own welcome gift.

Those of us who are of the…more devious persuasion, may even choose to deal in information rather than goods. Hopefully we can garner a feeling of community, create more connections with other characters out of our guilds, and even collaborate for inter-guild relations. For more information or questions feel free to contact me on Erylyn or Meyrit, or add me to your Btag (Erlyyn#1857). Also, feel free to contact Ezrae or Zaerin (Btag Zaerin#1139). We look forward to seeing you, and your goods, there. xD))
Edited by Erylyn on 1/24/2013 4:15 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((Staircaseelf supports this endeavor! *Staircase stamp of approval*))
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90 Blood Elf Mage
((-cheers- I'm having trouble containing my excitement to start this event!))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((The ink is made, the parchment pressed, now all that's left is the waiting. xD))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((So as it turns out, I'm probably not gonna be able to make it to this first night.

But I wish all my dear friends luck! Erylyn, Ezrae, and everyone else responsible for making this happen are wonderful people, and I really hope the Midnight Market hits off!))
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl looked over a copy of the announcement that had been sent to her by one of her Silent Guards. While it bore no threat to the alliance, it was of interest and might bear watching. If it turned into a venue for slave trade, they might have to take a much closer look.

((bump and good luck))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((This is tomorrow! Help us make this a successful first run! If we get enough interest we may even make it cross-faction ;) And Gentyl, thank you for the bump and I lol'd at the slave trade comment xD I highly doubt Ery would let it, she sits firmly in the 'lawful good' category...when not possessed by runeblades.))

Erylyn propped her fists on her hips and stared at the desk in front of her. The mass of inks and parchment were overflowing, many of them had already found a home for themselves on the floor. She sighed. Lugging all of her materials to Thunder Bluff was going to be a hassle, but it would be worth it.
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Glancing about the room, Zaerin smirked at the fine collection of skins, leathers and all manner of herbs she'd been collecting over the last few weeks. "So I can't make things, so what? I'm certainly good enough at killing and picking flowers ta make up for dat. Dun know how I'm going ta get dis stuff to that market though." She glanced around once more, eyeing a few packs she could use to bundle the items in. "Now I jus' have to find dat blasted yak.."

((I'll be toting some leathers and herbs, as mentioned, and will sell them much lower than the AH pricing. Will also make up some Netherweave bags (Possibly some others depending on what cloth I have) to give away to those in need of bag space!))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((*bump* This is tonight!))
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90 Undead Warlock
((Did somebody say "slave trade"? =D I just might have to push the suggestion to the Toral- er... I mean look! A chicken that sings the AAMS jingle! ))

Garland plucked the flier from its hanging nail, reading over it. "Erylyn... I know that name..." He kept looking at the paper, as if expecting answers to just jump forward and speak to him: they of course did not.

Lost in thought, he could have stood there eternally if not for his succubus tapping him on the shoulder to snap him out of it. "Hmm? Oh, yes. Let's get moving Helxia." He crumpled the flier, casting it over his shoulder, accidentally sticking it to one of the spikes thereupon. Perhaps I shall have to this a visit to this Midnight Market.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((Just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who can out to support us last night! I would like to count this as a great big success! A special thank you to Ezrae for her continued support and assistance. Aroko, Linnoch, and Disfavor for they contributions in food, information, and reminding me that my paladin is lawful good and can't go shooting her mouth off. xP

We hope to have this event continue, it was wonderful to RP with new faces and we hope to see more of you out each week. The next market will take place on Friday, Feb 15th, moved from it's normal Thursday slot to accommodate Valentine's Day. If you are interested in showing up as a vendor please let me know so we can direct everyone to you for your wares. Everyone is welcome for any reason!

Our current list of vendors are:

Erylyn = Scribe (alternating as Meyrit = Blacksmith)
Linnoch= Caterer and Leatherworking (alternating as Drakehide = Engineering)
Ezrae= Tailor (alternating as Zaerin = Leathers and Herbs)

Please feel free to fill our blank spots as a regular vendor or even just show up as a guest!))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((This is tomorrow night, same time, same place. Free glyphs for your character (feel free to ask for some for your alts as well) for anyone who comes out to show your support! I'll be there on both Erylyn and Meyrit for all your inscription and Blacksmithing needs xD))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((This was awesome tonight. Join in in two weeks for more vendor-y fun and shenanigans!))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((Thanks Tyr xD I'm working on some awesome stuff for the next market if I can drum up enough mats (0.02% drop chance on an outland axe pattern? Anyone want one of these beauties?). But...we need your help CC. Thursday or Friday?

We had such an amazing turnout last week and we're trying to decided on an official day of the week to host this event. So, which day works for you, Thursday or Friday?))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((This is this Friday!))
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90 Human Warrior
((We'd be interested in setting something similar up Ally side! If you tag me in-game Horde-side on Kellatira, I'd love to chat about it!))
Edited by Bravery on 3/3/2013 3:21 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((I was glad to get some time to talk to you in game yesterday! Also, we are going to hold an extra market this week to help accommodate those who couldn't make it on Friday. I'd love to have some of the A-side people to attend, just to see what we get up to and establish relations ;) what days and times work for you all?))
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