BloodBorn Raid Recruitment

90 Tauren Warrior

I am Ralroar, GM of BloodBorn. I am posting today to let everyone on the forums know that we are actively recruiting for our second raid team, and positions may be open in our main raid team (for those who qualify). We are a new guild, but are quickly rising to the top of the raiding spectrum. In just 6 weeks, we have gone from not existing, to farming all of MSV and while we have only been in Heart of Fear for a little over a week, we are 4/6 - and we are projecting to clear it in the next week. If this type of dynamic progression is something you would like to be apart of, please send me a whisper - or if I am not online, please send me an in-game mail and we can set up an interview to see if our guild is right for you.

Thank you so much for your time.

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90 Troll Warlock
Bump for updates!

Bloodborn is now 6/6 MSV, 6/6 HoF and 1/4 ToES. We are pushing to clear the rest of Terrace before 5.2 drops, but we could use a little help!

We are currently in need of one or two healers (Mist Monk, Resto Druid/Shaman) and one or two DPS (will consider any class except Warlock) to round out our progression team. Our raid schedule is Mon/Wed/Sun 5 - 7pm (if a raid is going well we will extend to 8pm).

If you are interested in learning more about the guild contact anyone in the guild and have them direct you to an officer and we can setup a time to talk with you!

To be on our progression team we expect you to:
- Be fully enchanted, gemmed, glyphed and reforged (using resources such as MrRobot)
- Fully understand your class to push your character to it's limit
- A level head and thick skin; as a team we expect you to call out a member if they are making mistakes, but you must also be able to handle constructive criticism.

What you can expect from us:
- Guild funds for repairs
- Access to the gems, enchants, food, flasks, etc. needed to succeed in a raid environment
- Helpful raid team
- A fun raid atmosphere
- Success: We have pushed through this content so far with a less than ideal raid composition, but we always find a way to come out on top!
- Guild giveaways: As an extra incentive to push through content, we periodically do a random roll and give away items to guild members such as Royal Bags and Jewelcrafting Panther Mounts

Happy trails, we look forward to meeting you!
Edited by Wafflezid on 2/14/2013 8:21 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
If you want to have a great time and hang out with some wonderful guys and gals while downing bosses this is the guild to be in! I have only been in this guild for a couple of weeks and I am amazed at the progress these guys can make in a very short amount of time. Hurry up, contact Ralroar or any other guild officer asap about joining raid group 2 to get in on the fun and secure your spot in THE primeir up and coming guild on Cenarion Circle!

-Fun but focused raid environment

-Open and proactive guild leadership

-Skilled and friendly guildmates

-Did I mention EPICS?!
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90 Tauren Monk
Bunch of good people here.
Bump for justice and CLAMS!
*grabs Ralroar and uses his clamshell*
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90 Tauren Warrior

5.2 drops today and BloodBorn is 16/16 in tier 14.

We will be raiding Throne of Thunder on Wednesday!

Thank you everyone for all the support!
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100 Undead Warrior
*gives Ralroar a congratulatory shave*
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90 Tauren Warrior
Update: 3/12/2013

We are looking for a DPS to join our Throne of Thunder raid team.
Due to our unique composition almost any class would do.
We still raid sunday/monday/wednesday 5-8 server.

Before you apply:
Be fully gemmed and enchanted via
Be in at least 470ilvl (Higher ilvls are prefered)
You do not need to have raiding experience, but you must be able to handle constructive criticism.
Don't be afraid to contact an officer within BloodBorn - we are not here to show off epeens. We are a group of friends who enjoy raiding content and want to experience more.
Please be mature. We have real lives as you do and aren't concerned with any drama.

If accepted to the raid team you can expect:
To be paid for your service - this includes gold stipends as well as repair funds.
Flasks and Potions free of charge.
Free and fair loot rules. We do not typically use master looter.
Access to our vent server for you and your friends.
An invitation to one of the best raiding guilds on the server.
The opportunity to see end game content.
MSV/HoF/ToES runs to get you geared up. Our raid hovers around a 500ilvl, why shouldn't you?
Friendships that mean more than this game. I recently met up with some members of my guild at a restaurant in town.

If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, please whisper myself, or anyone in BloodBorn and ask to be directed to a guild officer.

We truly appreciate all the interest and support we have received over the last 2 months. Its people like you who have helped us come this far.

Thank you for your time, Cenarion Circle.

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90 Tauren Warrior

I am posting today to let the server know that my post from last week (the one above this current one) is still valid and we are still looking for another DPS.

Thank you,

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100 Orc Warlock
Hey Ralroar,
I don't know if you remember me or if you still check this thread, but where the hell did you guys go? I got on again and you guys changed servers.
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90 Tauren Paladin
He and the rest of Bloodborn are over on Kil'jaedan now.
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