A horde of robots dash up and down the streets of every capital, the words "Litter Bot" painted in bright red across their armor plating. They flop about on spindly metal legs, imbalanced in their trying--and usually failing--to dot up every post and poster-board with fliers of lacking quality. Most papers do not take to their intended surface, falling into the streets and coating the walkways in a thick, shifting coat of parchment. Only the most devoutly detached can avoid a begrudging look at the shoddy little announcements.
Scintillating green ink screams out in inconsistent fonts:
((CoG' first event is comin' up! We plan to run this event on a bi-weekly (*cast ambiguity dispel* once-every-two-weeks) basis! All racers will be divided into 280 and 310 heats. They'll also be kept in a raid to monitor speed enchants and required to ride bootless (to combat spur madness~. Flags will outline the course and a run-through explanation will be provided, IC, at the time of event.
As times go on, we'll have numbers on racers (7:1 odds for Turace finishing in the top 10) and more awesome pets for the winners.
So, come on out and support RP on CC with your favorite off-kilter gnome and her cadre of weirdo visionaries and show off your flying skills!))
Scintillating green ink screams out in inconsistent fonts:
Adrenaline surges and wills collide—the canals come alive with the roar of dragons, flying machines, and a raucous crowd! Cog of Genius’s first-ever Canal Race takes place this coming Thursday and you are invited! Stop looking around--we mean you!
Racers can enter a fee of five gold for a chance to win a prize: half-the-gold taken from entries and a wonderful pet.
Hosts will be available to facilitate observer gambling! Vie against one-and-other and make fortunes off the overly naïve.
Whether you’re there for glory or gold, to turn up your nose or scream with excitement, all are welcome to the Race! Good times guaranteed or your time back!
P.S. All excess profits go to charity. The definition of charity is to be defined by Cog of Genius and is non-negotiable with church officials, city guards, or other snoopy parties who may feel they need to comment. Certain definitions of charity may include refunds to Cog of Genius to facilitate further races. Tax-exemption papers can be found in the heart of Gnomergan, down in the irradiated quarters, secured in lockbox 0100001001110101011110100111101000100000011011110110011001100110.
((CoG' first event is comin' up! We plan to run this event on a bi-weekly (*cast ambiguity dispel* once-every-two-weeks) basis! All racers will be divided into 280 and 310 heats. They'll also be kept in a raid to monitor speed enchants and required to ride bootless (to combat spur madness~. Flags will outline the course and a run-through explanation will be provided, IC, at the time of event.
As times go on, we'll have numbers on racers (7:1 odds for Turace finishing in the top 10) and more awesome pets for the winners.
So, come on out and support RP on CC with your favorite off-kilter gnome and her cadre of weirdo visionaries and show off your flying skills!))