Does anyone know?

90 Pandaren Monk
How much effect on your connection DivX and Java have? I have noticed that if there is an update for eaither of these things and I don't do them right that second that my internet effectively goes down. I cannot play any online games at all because of constant disconnects. I can web browse but it is so slow as to be useless. These are the only updaters that seem to hijack my entire system untill they are done. It may be a windows 7 thing, I do not know. It just seems odd that just these two things can ruin my online till I bow down and do the updates. As a side note most programs update themselves in the wee morning hours. This only occours if an update happens outside of that timeframe.
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90 Undead Mage
For me, personally, Java has no effect on my internet. However, whenever I play any java-based game it eats every bit of processing power it can get its hands on. Current version of Java is like... 7-13 I think. I downgraded to 6-33 and have seen marked improvement on my system. Also when I downgraded to 6-33 (The last version of the 6 series) the automatic updates stopped, because it doesn't register that there are any more version (IE: it wont try to upgrade to 7).
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100 Human Mage
None. That is not normal behavior. If you have a slow connection, it may be that the background downloading of those updates is really thrashing your connection. Try downloading a large file and playing at the same time. Otherwise there's some sort of issue.
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90 Pandaren Monk
I have downloaded steam games or downloaded games on the ps3 while playing wow and there was no change to performance at all. We have fast internet. It is only when these two programs need an update things go to crap.
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