(( Hey, this is to advertise an event on Cenaron Circle! We're trying to get people to play hungry and homeless natives of westfall as we march to the stormwind gates and demand our kingdom take notice of it's people! Here's a link to the original- Bags and beginner's clothes will be provided for anyone who rolls for the event! We want to begin our march at 5pm server time (PST). Click http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7811342362 ! We want a big crowd! Come make a difference! ))
Demonstration in Stormwind!
We need some volunteers to help with an rp event on Cenarion Circle. If you roll a human or worgen before Sunday the 10th and wish to participate in a rally supporting the poor and homeless of Westfall, I am willing to provide a couple of free runecloth bags in return for your attendance at the event. We will be marching from Westbrook Garrison to the front Gates of Stormwind and holding a peaceful demonstration.Simply roll a human or worgen before Sunday and whisper me in game. I expect you to be willing to play the part of a homeless or destitute farmer or merchant from Westfall. Not necessary to be a Defias. We are expecting some resistance. So hopefully it will be fun for all.
Edited by Sylviagray on 2/7/2013 3:06 AM PST
This is only for Sunday the 10th, correct? I recently made a trial toon on CC, so depending on when this happens and if I'm able to get on at that time, there may be a supportive Pandaren on the sidelines somewhere along the way.
Yes, though we may be holding future events. It depends on how well this turns out.
Well, here I am!
Stonzgrinda, orc warrior of Ravenholdt, hideously transformed!
See you in Stormwind!
Stonzgrinda, orc warrior of Ravenholdt, hideously transformed!
See you in Stormwind!
I rolled Clyte for this event, level 1 mage. :D
I can roll one on CC for some interesting fun too. Maybe I'll stick around and check out the server while I'm there.
All right thanks guys. Whisper me in game so I can get you a couple of bags and we can chat. Mercado I need your new characters name so I can add you to friends list.
I love this idea! If at all possible, I'll try to attend on my own little alt. I'll also work to garner support from my guild and fellow Ravenholdt RPers so that we can help you all out and participate in this event!
Thank you, Stonzgrinda, for making the Ravenholdt RP community aware of this! I love seeing RPers working together, even across servers!
Thank you, Stonzgrinda, for making the Ravenholdt RP community aware of this! I love seeing RPers working together, even across servers!
I've rolled a low level for it as well, as long as i'm able to be at the computer, i'll be there!
All of you please try to be there by 3:30 or 4 Pacific time so we can brief you on what is happening and form a raid and set your roles, we need to be coordinated. There will be a staged scene where a noble will die. It is one of My characters, his name is Baenridge. (Moonguard alt. We cannot set foot inside the gates or I will disappear, so please keep things just outside the gate.
Thanks all for a wonderful response. I wish we could get some video of this. Maybe next one!
Thanks all for a wonderful response. I wish we could get some video of this. Maybe next one!
Ravenholdt people please contact me. I have a guild charter ready and some tatty, rubbishy gear that smells of orc armpits and troll feet.
If we are going to be a mob we need to do it right!
If we are going to be a mob we need to do it right!
I'll roll a low level toon to show my support, I'll be there.
Today is the event, at 5 Pacific time. Same as the realm time on Cenarion Circle. If you wish to watch or participate we will be having a meeting at 4 to ensure all are up to speed on what is happening.
Last minute notices going out now.
Come on, Ravenholdt! Enough kiss your sister, lets go get some crossbreeding goin' on!
Come on, Ravenholdt! Enough kiss your sister, lets go get some crossbreeding goin' on!
Thank you!! All of you who turned up for the event!! It was a huge success. Cenarion Circle rocks!!
It was indeed a lot of fun! I truly enjoyed it and it was nice to see cross-server RPers sticking together!
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