Demonstration in Stormwind!

Had a great time!
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl had been gathering supplies and talking to the people at Hearthglen to get an idea of what kind of help was needed and how much room was available in case the homeless in West Fall were willing to relocate. The Presidium would furnish food, of course. They had done so before, but the people needed jobs. They needed to be able to support their family.

She watched the wagons roll out of Stormwind toward the large gathering.

"Sepha, there's trouble." She listened to Rhudran's voice over the hearthstone.

"What kind of trouble?"

"Someone's been killed at the demonstration."

((Awesome event. Wonderful turnout. Thank you all for participating.))
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This is not the end. There will be more as the hunt continues for Will and Cyndi. (Azeroth's version of Bonnie and Clyde).

We will probably get more cross server action if we can. Or have so much fun they will roll alts and stay here!! Good job Ravenholdt!!

Great turnout and I love you all!!
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12 Human Hunter
This is not the end. There will be more as the hunt continues for Will and Cyndi. (Azeroth's version of Bonnie and Clyde).

We will probably get more cross server action if we can. Or have so much fun they will roll alts and stay here!! Good job Ravenholdt!!

Great turnout and I love you all!!

It was a whole lot of fun Sylviagray, and I would say your event was quite the success! There were no fewer than four GMs from Ravenholdt role playing guilds in our little mob - quite the revolutionary cell! One in particular I would say is the preeminent GM on our server, and it was the first time I got to RP with her - felt like an old friend though, just fit naturally.

Perhaps you could come visit us some day. I'll be talking to you soon, even though I feel completely out of my element in this pinky!
Edited by Stonegrindrh on 2/11/2013 9:31 AM PST
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