[A] Broccoli beast looking for a guild

100 Night Elf Druid
Edit: I did some more research and, combined with Gentyl's response, a couple guilds caught my eye and I have it narrowed down to which ones I wanna interview for.

Thanks for your reply, Gentyl!
Edited by Aloom on 2/12/2013 8:19 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
I'd suggest you contact Moonjade with Invictus Sanctum. I'm not sure about their guild chat. They are very active and always doing something. Pia runs with them. This is a transfer guild that has been an exceptional addition to CC.

Also, Manus Ignota is an old and exceptional guild. They are active, rp friendly, but guild chat is not ic. Highly recommend them.
Edited by Gentyl on 2/8/2013 2:38 PM PST
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