Bringing WPvP back, One Inn at a time!

100 Blood Elf Death Knight
For those of you who were not in on the impromptu game of Cat and Mouse in Stormwind, I will take a moment to explain the event as it happened.

On Friday, February 8th at approximately 10pm Server, Myself and seven others who will not be named unless they wish to be 'attacked' Stormwind. What started out as a simple game of cat and mouse, with us attacking guards in various areas of the Alliance city in order to confuse and 'play' with the Alliance led to our group running into an Inn at the Dwarven Districts and holding said Inn for approximately 30 minutes. The Alliance sent their men and women to fight against us, and in a final show of power, they defeated us and drove us from their city.

In order to promote World PvP, we of Malicious Intent, as well as any and every horde member who wishes to join us for this event shall begin a 'game' with the Alliance. This event will be held either once a week or once every two weeks depending on how many people express interest. During this event the horde will pick -One- Building in -One- Alliance held city to -Hold-. We will fight to hold onto this building until every member of the group has died (Wipe). We do -Not- intend to pick an area that has quest NPCs, nor will we attempt to kill any quest or -Important- NPCs. This does not mean we can guarantee that said NPCs will not die, as even on Horde side we have our rude and inconsiderate people.

Once the group has wiped, at least One of our representatives will hop on an alt with a name similar to the main they used on Horde side in order to explain to all in the city that we have been defeated and that we will hop on our mounts and fly away, your city safe for another week.

Unless you are on Horde side and on the invite list, you will not know the day or the time that the hit is going to be (Please see below on the exceptions to the rule) until approximately -Ten- minutes before we strike. Then we will invite any horde that wish to come. The Alliance will not know until the time we strike.

We hope that given time, the Alliance will also start the 'game' and try to take one building in one of our own cities as well. If anyone would like to lead this, please let me know so that we can make sure to not do this on the same night.

It should be known that if you wish to come to this event, either on Alliance side or Horde side, you can expect to die at least once. As stated earlier, we can NOT guarantee that quest and important NPCs will not be killed by trolls or other such rude people during this event, however if you are in one of the groups (Either Alliance Or Horde) it is expected that you understand that we are not here to troll the opposite faction.

If you have any questions or suggestions please send an in game letter to Khàrla (do not forget the à) or post a message here. I will check this periodically to answer any questions I can.

PS: Whatever side you are on, the rule is Do not kill the bartender. We need our drinks sometimes.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I appreciate the effort, but I'm honestly not sure how much response you're going to get. I've tried and failed to get the Alliance to get serious about PVP on a perpetual basis for the past two months.

I'll see about making the next one, assuming that I'm not attending an event and that my schedule doesn't conflict, but I do feel compelled to say that this is rubber softball territory for the Horde.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Even if there's just a few bites, the fact that it would be out there will cause more unity in the factions I believe.

I have never heard that phrase. If you do not terribly mind explaining what a 'rubber softball territory' is?
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90 Undead Rogue
I would be most interested in participating in such an endeavor.

Pang - horde side
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100 Undead Hunter
Fun time!
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100 Human Paladin
Pia will be happy to respond. It's time to get some world pvp going again. Thank you for taking the initiative.

Gen's player
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90 Draenei Death Knight
we had some great PvP at goldshire the other day..was a lot of fun
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100 Human Paladin
Pia will be starting our horde attacks soon to free the slaves also. I invite all to come with us who are interested with a few caveats, no whining, no !@#$%^-*!@ and rude gestures and no corpse camping unless we run into a group that is camping us non stop. If you come on a Pia raid don't whine because we're outnumbered, outclassed out whatever. It won't be an invitation event with perfect numbers. Don't rant in alliooc about it afterwards or run to post rants on the forums.

Buck up, buttercup. It's pvp.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I guess this means I need to turn world defense back on since my times in Org these days is short. We did this to have fun. I told Kharla about how MANY years ago there was a fair amount of good world pvp. She now has her heart set on doing it, and trust me if anyone can it is her. :) Hope you don't mind Gen but told her as far as that side you would be a good one to talk to about it.

And yes this is for fun not a who is better at killing thing. Something to cut through the boredom of dailies. And for any of you that heard how this started, I am still giggling.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
I am I like to think known by the Alliance of Stormwind now. I am every day that I am on eager to solo play this game by playing hide in the alliance cities. Some have found me rather easily other times it takes awhile. I am happy to get killed and fighting as I go. Maybe I will win some who knows. But I would love to see others taking part in this event of World PVP. I am fairly familiar with a fair amount of Alliance now as I am constantly either against them or sitting in the alliance farm drinking some rum with them.

So in short please feel free to participate as I am sure many of both factions will enjoy this event greatly and it will bring each faction least the inner parts of the factions together.
Cannot get too friendly with our enemies. ^.^

See you on the battlefield wherever it may be.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Update: My computer is broken at this time. However when I get a new computer or when I can fix my fiance's computer to handle pvp better, I will be getting this all worked out and started back up.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Yeah talked the guys out of doing this since it was your baby. They grumbled but are waiting for you. Just need to kick your other half off his more often. *winks* >.> Hug him for me though. lol
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100 Worgen Death Knight
I like the idea of this, Kharla, but take it from me: it can be hard to get going to a point of self sustaining PvP. There's initial interest usually from 1-2 guilds on a given faction, and it peters out afterwards. People (and I think this is unfortunate) eventually just conclude "What's the point?" when one side is either repeatedly massacred, or when there isn't enough response to make it fun for those attacking.

Towards the latter end of the last set of world-PvP which I was involved in, we waltzed into Undercity (not just the Ruins of Lordaeron above) and literally held the central area (the pillar with the bank, and its surrounding levels) for 30 minutes with almost zero response from the Horde.

I'd love to see things explode to encourage more sense of involvement in Mists of Pandaria's overall storyline (the ceasefire that started with Warcraft 3 is well and truly gone, and war has actively been declared by both King Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream), and I hope you're able to make something happen; if I'm online at the time, I'll happily respond, even if I wind up getting my butt repeatedly kicked (which, make no mistake, I will; my PvP gear is sadly out of date, and I don't have the patience at this point to repeatedly deal with the verbal abuse in Battlegrounds necessary to acquire updated gear).

Keep us updated.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Heya guys..kharla has been busy with a new job which I am happy for her for getting. So we have been a little on the offside of the pvp for the moment but I am still doing my daily attacks at least when I am on my off days. I intend on trying to keep it going and I am sure she does too. So as long as other people are still willing to fight. Then let our war continue.
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