Horde Lover's Day Celebration (RP-Event)

90 Undead Mage
A flyer, found posted throughout all the capitals of the Horde, and other areas of high traffic for the faction.

Attention, all those united under the banner of the Horde;

Come this Saturday, the 16th, at six bells, a celebration will be hosted. A celebration of life and love, of friendship and bonds - a celebration of the rights which the Horde fights and struggles for daily. Do not let the fact we are at war distract from that which we strive to protect, for truly we have always been at a war just to enjoy those things that all sentient beings should. All those amongst the Horde are invited to and encouraged to join us in this celebration, to be held in The Arboretum of the Jade Forest. Come and join us in drinking, dancing, dining, and any other festivities that may crop up. While there is no strict dress code, festive colors are encouraged, as is an attire that one is able to dance in. Alcohol will be available for no charge, though guests are encouraged to bring any party favors they feel might liven things up. We look forward to seeing you there.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Kel'tira Sunblaze grinned as she saw the flyer sticking on a bulletin in Summer's Rest. Producing a quill and a pot of ink, she scrawled on the back of her hand in neat script, Cy might be interested in this. He needed a break, anyhow, she thought.

A small grin still on her face spread into a larger one, then faded, she would drag him along if he was back from hunting that warlock down.

Or even if he wasn't, maybe she'd go alone, just to get out of the monotony of research and paperwork.

Paper shufflers. She should look into scribes... Squires... something.

((Cy and I will try to come!))
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90 Undead Mage
((This is tonight! Two and a half hours.))
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