The Saga of Sorrow-story

((This is going to be a Journal type format for those who participated in the Demonstration in Stormwind. It is open to the rpers who wish to voice their thoughts and experiences over the event and beyond. It is an opportunity to use your creative writing skills to add to the story and offer insights to your own character. I am putting this here and I will link it in the Cenarion Circle forums as well.)) for those who wish to know where this comes from.


Darkness and sorrow swirled in Cyndi Grayham's heart. How had it come to this? All she wanted to do was help the homeless and destitute people of Westfall. It was never her intention to harm anyone. Her many years of training in the Light had made her compassionate and willing to help. It seemed that whatever she tried to do was met with skepticism and derision.

Cyndi glanced across the room to where Will slept in the huge bed, his snoring assured her he was deeply asleep. Smiling fondly at the big man she shook her head. Glad that he could get some rest. It was hard on him as well. He had not wanted to hurt anyone. All he did was in self defence. Can anyone blame him? Isn't survival the number one instinct?

Sighing in frustration she paced across the room and to the small stove to lift the teapot and pour another cup. She could not sleep in this place for very long. Restless spirits roamed the halls. This room was the only one that was not haunted. Vaguely she wondered if others had found this place and left because of the constant threat of madness that permeated the grounds.

Her thoughts went to Elly Vasdrim and Sean Mcdonald. They lived in Westfall too. Surely they understood the problems there. Cyndi knew they did their best to bring food and supplies home with them. Damn those Defias!! They had let their bitterness and frustration turn them into heartless thieves. Now Elly and Mac were dead and buried in their homeland, victims of the hatred and hostility of the Defias.

Everytime anyone tried to help they ran the risk of being robbed or murdered. It made outsiders consider them all that way. Even the innocent children and the few farmers left trying to till the soil and raise hogs were lumped in with the outlaws. Kids growing up learning to be thieves, in order to survive.

Strolling back to the desk she sat down to her journal. She had decided to keep one and record her thoughts on the things that happened. Perhaps some day when she was gone...someone would find it and know her story.
Edited by Sylviagray on 2/12/2013 12:59 PM PST
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From the diary of Cy Won Ji:

Today I was passing by the gates outside of Stormwind City, when a roar of a crowd drew my attention. I walked over to see many in rags and worn clothing standing on one side, and others of more wealth and means standing on the other. It distressed me, and I asked a woman what was happening.

She told me that it was a demonstration from those of Westfall, a farming community I found out later. They were upset that the king was not taking care of them, that they were slowly starving, and there was no work for them to earn enough to live on. Many of the people I saw there were homeless.

As people were yelling and a low murmur was going through the crowd, a shot rang out and I heard many raised voices about it being in self defense, while others were speaking as if this was how the king took care of those who rose up against him.

I only heard that some young nobleman was killed. Such a pity that a life was taken in what was to have been a peaceful demonstration. I am new from Pandaria, but I was dishearted to see such a thing occur outside the very gates to the King.

What have I brought myself into, and is this just an inkling to the troubles within the heart of the Alliance? I must explore and learn more.
Edited by Cywon on 2/12/2013 1:24 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((You're asking an accountant to be creative... you know I can be sent to prison for that, right?))

Second day of the new moon,

The Stormwind Gate Riot, as I have come to call it, has not resulted in any acts of retaliation on this side of the world. I am grateful for that, but it remains disquieting.

Cooperation with the Stormwind Watch has produced significant benefits, including actions against those malicious smugglers who think themselves able to escape me by hopping on a ship. But this last incident laid plain just how difficult their task is. These petulant, shouting, violent rabble paid no heed to the order to disperse after they had just killed one of their own. Then others got violent.

I take no shame in saying that I spilled blood, because my blood was drawn. But now the real test begins. I expect retaliation. I expect my people to be targeted - both because the war on our doorstep that they blame us for, and because of my actions. But I will be ready.
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