[H] Wayfarer's Late Night Raiding

90 Pandaren Warrior
Just say we have half a raid team that rocks and is constantly on blow and we need the other half, bring straws.

As our friendly resident HR manager said, we've got exactly one half of a raid team and are looking to fill the other half with competent, motivated members. We've had a tough time recruiting (probably because our thread makes us all look inbred) and we've hit a grinding halt in our progression due to poor quality pick ups.

We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights starting at 8pm server for three hours per night. This has been enough in the past to clear ICC (when it was viable), but if we have the dedicated players we will probably start pushing harder. We have no problems helping out team mates gear and can provide the essential craft goods to ensure success.

While we will accept anybody who is competent in their role, we are currently (2.15.13) looking to recruit:

- A secondary tank, preferably Paladin or Monk

- Rogue, Shaman, Mage, or Monk dps

- Monk, Priest, Shaman heals

So! If you're looking for a casual progression team that works at night, look up the Wayfarers. Coming late to the party? Why not gear up in a competent and friendly environment! Your rp guild not getting the endgame progression you want? You don't have to join our guild to run raids, just know your role. Tired of staring at your mountain of horse crank with nobody to speedball it with? WfC is just for you.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Damnit I was looking for a raid group for my druid (even though that's not what you asked for) but she's no longer a troll :( those days and times are perfect for me tooooooo :*( Good luck finding the rest of your raid group! ))
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Shameless self-indulgent bump.

We'd take your troll without any qualms, by the by. Just. Rubbing some salt in them wounds.
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Despite the proclivities towards insane amounts of horse crank, we actually do fairly well raiding, when we get the members.

So don't be shy, apply!

And yes, for the record, rhyming is part of my human resources gig. It's turned me into an alcoholic.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
The plan, such as it is, is to get our core group to ilvl 480 (mostly already there) and hit the new raid the night its out. As you can imagine, this isn't something we'd necessarily like to pug. And I'm sure YOU don't want to pug it either. So come work with us! Win/win.
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And we'll help get you to the ilvl! So don't be shy, apply!

*takes swig of moonshine, and then single tears*
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Who let you out of your rp thread. -WHIP.-

I think I'll start harassing the other raid recruit guilds, try and work out a MIND MELD.

Because that went SO well last time.
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Second time's the charm!

-scampers back to RP thread -
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97 Orc Warrior
Id apply to raid, but my schedual is crazy.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
As of late, we've raided at 8pm server on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If people could join other nights and our core group could maneuver it, the nights can be altered. Our schedule varies as well.
Basically, we want a solid raiding team that's laid-back and loves to play, laced with a determination to succeed. Bodies that know what they're doing and always show up are few and far between it seems. Thing is, if people join us it will be more than worth any time they make available^.^
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90 Blood Elf Mage
What roles are you still looking for?
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
We could use just about anything, but taking our current team into consideration, a non-plate tank, melee dps, and a non-druid or paladin healer would be ideal. If that conflicts with your or someone else's interest in joining, specifics can definitely be discussed.
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90 Blood Elf Mage
This is my only 90 horde-side but I do have a resto shaman that could be lvld (currently 86). I will see how fast I can get her lvl'd and if you are still looking for heals when she's ready then that'd be awesome
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I'd say toss Liore or Aura a message in game anyhow - the more the merrier even if you're a filthy mage!
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90 Blood Elf Mage
I will keep an eye out for either name and bombard them when they are online ;)
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Random observation: the new raid is coming soon! Get in on the ground floor! There will be fun times and loot! Also, who doesn't like killing trolls?

*looks at forum avatar*

Ah. Right. Damn. Still, join in on the fun!
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97 Orc Warrior
I like killing trolls, so long as they are of Darkspear bloodlines.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Point of reflection for 2.28.13:

Happiness should be something you come into, not start at and move further and further away from.
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The patch is a'comin, the patch is a'comin! Help us slay the Thunder King!

I'm out of rhymes.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Next Tuesday, we're going in.
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